New Age Trance Formation 2012 Detachment from Reality – Video

New Age Trance Formation 2012 Detachment from Reality While in meditation you are in a trance state. There is a fake spirituality movement sold to be people that has gone mainstream all sorts of "activism" too that does NOT include cannabis. Why do pro-spiritual individuals think less of others who smoke weed or actively try and end cannabis prohibition that is keeping the cost of living artificially high? I have having fallen for the new age disinformation in the past, there is a lot of misleading information out there, I didn #39;t know until I did more research, so I hope I can help wake as many up to reality. Infowars Exposed PSYOP sells GMOs with NEUROTOXINS Share The truth sell Thrive and clear compass media who made Thrive censored my Thrive Exposed videos on youtube and video that I had to remake, the thrive movie poster has hidden eye New World Order illuminati symbolism. Just goes to show how awakened the world is, I get ridiculed by closed minded people who won #39;t investigate the truth and disinformation gets lots of views while the truth gets ignored. Some awakening taking place...if there were researchers and more awakened people why aren #39;t they investigating the truth? Some people have said there is a connection with Thrive and Lucis Trust and that would not surprise me, I haven #39;t had time to investigate more because I have been busy working for free to educate others after I get home when I am already tired from working full time in a wood shop. Hitler ...From:movementforfutureViews:10 1ratingsTime:01:58More inNews Politics

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New Age Trance Formation 2012 Detachment from Reality - Video

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