Letter: Spirituality vs. religiousness

To the editor:

This letter is in response to F. Neil Folks I aint religious, but I am spiritual column appearing in Fridays Craig Daily Press.

Neil, this aphorism is not an oxymoron as you purport. There is a huge difference with spirituality and religiousness.

The word religion is rooted in the Greek word for rule. Spirituality or faithfulness is an individuals belief system or faith based philosophy on life.

Im not (sorry, I wont say aint because Im not redneck either) religious, but I am spiritual and faithful.

Please keep in mind that an aphorism is a terse saying embodying a general truth. Hence, you have already acquiesced that there is general truth in the statement that I am not religious, but I am spiritual.

Given that you accept there is general truth in the statement, I feel confident that you can understand that because I choose not to accept an archbishops, popes or pastors interpretation of Gods words, but do choose to accept the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ as my personal savior and follow the Ten Commandments as prescribed in Leviticus, I am spiritual and faithful but not religious.

Going to church every Sunday, not eating meat on Fridays and judging others that dont agree with our teachings (ie: following rules), does not make a good Christian. Walking in Christs footsteps and living as he taught us does.

I would rather be faithful than religious.

Paul Auwaerter

Original post:

Letter: Spirituality vs. religiousness

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