HEALTH IS WEALTH The Impact of Spirituality In Our Lives

HEALTH IS WEALTH The Impact of Spirituality In Our Lives by: DR. ANGEL V. SOMERA What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses the fate of his own soul. Biblical Passage

Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lenten Season when Catholics receive ash that is marked crossed on our forehead symbolizing a meaningful sign that we are dust and to dust we shall return.

As real Christians, we shall give a great significance to this sacred ritual because one day most certainly we will give up our own host or die. Knowing this inevitable reality in our life and fully aware of two spiritual destinations of where our immortal souls will go; either Heaven or Hell, Heaven if we faithfully obey Gods Commandments and have lived righteously, but to the Lake of Fire (Hell) when we seriously transgressed the Laws of God in our lives.

Today, in this new millennium there are still people who are searching for new meaning in this modern world that frequently seems meaningless. An American psychologist, Thomas Moore, author of Care of the Soul (Harper, 1992) claimed that when the soul is neglected people suffer from both physical illnesses and stress-related illnesses such as heart attack, stroke, cancer, AIDS, Diabetes, etc. but worse are the mental disorders such as severe anxiety, depression, anger, violence, frustrations, suicide, etc.

Lent reminds us of the story of Jonah who was sent by God to warn the people of Nineveh to change their evil ways. Otherwise, if people will continue to transgress God, they will suffer a very severe punishment. But people sincerely repented by wearing sackcloth and ashes and changed their sinful ways. Thus, God spared them from his wrath.

It is high time to return to the righteous ways and to live a holy life of incessant prayers, unwavering faith and avoidance of sin at all cost. St. Augustines prayers: We are restless Lord, until we rest in thee.


HEALTH IS WEALTH The Impact of Spirituality In Our Lives

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