Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D.

I'm also blogging these days. I prefer you to email me as I tend to answer emails faster than I respond to my blog page. Just go to my blog page at Blog with Fred

You can buy my New dimensions Interviews from! If you like my style you will love these. Here are some descriptions to read and then just click away below to listen or to buy.

Step into the world of physics-but bring your spirituality along. Fred Alan Wolf is a theoretical physicist and firewalker who sees the sacred in everything-and can give you a theorem to prove it. From every angle he blasts the boundary between science and spirit, and can make universal consciousness sound like a logical idea. He may be the first physicist ever to break into pop culture celebrity. In his featured appearance in the movie, What the Bleep Do We Know?, he brought cutting edge quantum theory down to earth, and stirred a cult following by heralding proof of ancient spiritual principles for a mainstream audience. "Mind is not limited or contained within the boundaries of the material world," says Dr. Wolf. "Mind is not in you and in me separately. Mind is universal, escaping time and space. So when ideas pop into existence, it's not just in your mind that they're happening." Heavy stuff? Yes. But "Dr. Quantum" has a disarming way of delivering profound statements with gusto and a generous dose of mischief, so that even if you yawn at the mere mention of an electron, this time you'll want to wake up and come along for the ride.

Have a listen. Just click on my mug shot below.

Want more?

One of the most compelling questions of all time is, do we have a soul? And if we do, what exactly is it? Fred Alan Wolf, well-known resident physicist on Discovery Channel's "No-Zone" program, gives us an answer and a unique definition. He also discusses spirit, space, time, consciousness and the possible origins of the universe. From a physicist who knows scientifically what a miracle our universe really is, we hear reasons to celebrate our very existence, and he reminds us that, "We, who are living in this incredible miracle we call the universe, have to begin to recognize that we are not just in it, we are it."

Again, have a listen. Just click on my mug shot below.

But what about leaping into the future, hurtling back into the past, or peering into parallel realities? Fred Alan Wolf teaches you how to access these advanced powers of time travel through mastery of "the Five Fluctuations." Once you become a time-traveling "tachyonaut," you not only learn the skill of slipping the timestream, you also take profound spiritual steps toward achieving liberation from the ego, connecting to the universal consciousness, and overcoming the fear of death.

Using a supercharged solution of cutting-edge science and mystical wisdom, Dr. Quantum provides everything you need to sail the river of time at will instead of being carried along in its current. Team up with the champion of spacetime on Dr. Quantum Presents: Do-It-Yourself Time Travel to unlock the time-warping "superpowers" of your own consciousness.

Check List for Saving the Universe:

(1) Find a way to stop the NGC4414 galaxy from falling apart and swallowing the entire universe into one big black hole.

(2) For the first time in galactic history, construct a gigantic timecylinder based on unproven calculations so you can travel back in time to fix problem (1) listed above.

(3) Find the exact entry point on the timecylinder into the past, avoiding all Time Travel Forbidden and Null Zones, or risk the possibility of getting lost in time. Forever!

(4) Pinpoint the reason why your holoform species is still stuck in a two dimensional form when all your research points to the fact that holoforms should actually be three dimensional creatures like everybody else.

(5) If you survive, try to convince the scientific community of your findings, despite the fact you and your twin brother look exactly twelve years old.

Okay, I admit it, the list looks a little ambitious, especially since the whole mission is based entirely on theory. But the one thing we do have in our favor is the fact that Dr. Quantum, the brilliant physicist from United Earth, is leading this mission and if anyone can make this happen he can. Which brings me to one sort of scary thought: If you're reading this right now that means Dr. Quantum must have gotten us through the mission and the universe continued. Either that, or we're still stuck somewhere in the time continuum and you've unearthed this record of our mission. And if that's the case, we may just need your help.

Want to help?

I really had fun shooting this earlier in 2007 and meeting the great cast of Cirque.

In this little book Dr. Quantum has gathered together some precious gems of insight. I must admit I was surprised that I even wrote them. I hadn't realized when I wrote them that they could well stand alone as they do. Read them and I hope laugh and enjoy them. They aren't there to teach you anything (although you might learn a little about you and the universe) but to help you let go of any tight bonds you have created to what you believe is the only reality there is. I hope you begin to see that the universe including you is far greater than any of us can imagine and that you are a remarkable being simply because in the last one million or so years of evolution nature or God has chosen you to appear on the scene. You may feel that you are not worth very much or you may feel you are far better than any of your associates. I caution you that both of these are illusions. I hope that by reading this little book you may gain a better prospective on who you really are. Care to guess?

It's "out there" so now its time to put it "in here" in your minds. Look for the 12 sessions 6-CD album set at wherever you can get audio CDs. It really captures the best of what I can put "out there" because now you can listen and take off into the wild yonder world of quantum reality and have fun doing it too. It's called: Dr Quantum Presents: A User's Guide to Your Universe. Think of it as How Quantum Physics can Change your Life. For more information go to Sounds True webpage: Sounds True.

My book The Yoga of Time Travel: How the Mind Can Defeat Time is now out there and doing well. I just found out that my publisher has now gone into its fourth printing and the demand is growing! Look for it in your favorite bookstore or order it on line. I have heard from the U.S. publisher that The Yoga of Time Travel will be published in the following countries, Holland (Dutch Edition), India, Brazil (Portuguese edition), and Spain and Latin America, (Spanish edition). Look for these editions in 2007.

I also have learned that it received the 2004 ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Award in Body, Mind & Spirit. See: ForeWord Magazine Award

Formore information about my new book please see the short synopsisbelow or click on the red title above.

I am also appearing in the newly released What the Bleep movie called What the Bleep: Down the Rabbit Hole So please look for it in your city when it opens. For more information about the film please click on the red title above.

I can also be seen in the recently released DVD The Secret.

I also appear in the recently released (2003) Special Collectors Edition of the Paramount Studio DVD movie Star Trek IV on Disc 2 "Time Travel: The art of the possible." So please look for it in your favorite store selling DVDs or to get it from Amazon click on the red title above.

For more information email me at theaddress below.


Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D.

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