Enlightened Spirituality, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening

Begun in September 2006, this wide-ranging website has over 110 original essays (some short, some book-length, around 2,200 printed pages of total material) and several dozen photos and sacred images for viewing, with no bothersome ads and only one commercial webpage (for our Wake Up Press). To help new and returning visitors search for specific names or topics, we've added a Google search box for this entire website:

Explore one of the Internet's most extensive websites on truly healthy and enlightened Spirituality, awakening to Absolute Awareness, a profoundly nondual theology of God, the lives and teachings of sages and saints, and many articles on our mystical traditions, world religions, powers of Consciousness, emotional healing, styles of meditation, sacred relationships, conscious dying into Eternal life, spiritualized politics, wonders of science, spiritual humor, and more.

Here you can always remember to breathe more fully, love everyone more deeply, and relax more easily into/as the Divine One who is the Light and Truth of WHO WE REALLY ARE.

Is it really possible to live an enlightened life of all-embracing love, compassionate service, and actual freedom from binding ego-tendencies? Can one live spontaneously yet intelligently from the sublime fragrance of real wholesomeness and bountiful generosity? Can one, in short, awaken from the ultimately miserable "me"-dream to the inspired grandeur of Divine Awakening?

The answer to each of these questions is YES.

Behold an assembly of humanity's most eminent spiritual leadersfrom Jesus and the Buddha and many luminaries of ancient and medieval times to our era's Ramana Maharshi, Shirdi Sai Baba, Ramakrishna, Narayana Guru, Meher Baba, Nityananda, Nisargadatta, Dadaji (Amiya Roy Chowdhury), Neeb Karori (Neem Karoli) Baba, Padre Pio, Gemma Galgani, Maria Esperanza, Mother Teresa, Taungpulu Sayadaw, Ajahn Chah, Hsu-yun, Hsuan-hua, Cheng Yen, Kyongho, Hyobong, Songchol, Daehaeng, Kusan, Harada Roshi, the 14th Dalai Lama, Dilgo Khyentse, 16th Karmapa, Sheikh al-Alawi, Hazrat Babajan, Anasuya Devi, Anandamayi Ma along with several thousand other sages, saints, adepts, prophets and incarnations within all our sacred traditions....

All these impressive figures have clearly shown us over the millennia what it is to have genuinely "let go, let God" (God = Awareness-Love-Reality-Spirit-Brahman-Atman-Buddhata-Tao-AinSof-Allah). They are enlightenedwithout narrowly identifying with anyone who is "enlightened" or claiming any special, superior state of "enlightenment." They are entirely lightened up, illumined, awake, free, clear, emptied out and filled up with Divine virtue.

In a world with so much craziness, crassness and corruption on display, especially rife within the easily-exploited fields of religion, we can all be thankful that, as Sufi poet-saint Jalaluddin Rumi once remarked, "counterfeiters only exist because there is real gold." Truly enlightened spiritual ones exist (emanated by the Divine as "dream figures" to awaken us) and truly enlightened spirituality is possible for anyone willing to let dysfunctional egocentricity dissolve in the Divine Reality of Absolute, Infinite Awareness.

Countless people today ask what it means to live a deeper spiritual life.... Beyond the old dilemma of whether to renounce the world or immerse oneself in it, the enlightened "Free Beings" (the Avatra-Incarnations and awake adepts) show us how to freely transcend yet pervade the world with Love and Light through the Power of Pure Awareness.

This Divine Reality of Pure Awareness, Open Presence or Spirit, the one Sacred Principle, is both beyond all yet within all. As the theologians say, this Divine Awareness/Reality is both transcendent and immanent. Not any kind of "thing" but the Source, Witness and Reality of all things, this God-Self is other than this world, yet right here animating and embracing this dreamlike world and all her deliciously unique beings.


Enlightened Spirituality, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening

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