No, the headline is not because Joe Biden was declared as the next President of the United States on Saturday; it is because Joe Biden needs to restore tranquility, decency, and a spirit for caring about one another back into the American people. Joes going to need Gods help and His grace to do that.
Actually, that prophecy if thats not too strong a word was delivered almost 25 years ago when Billy Graham was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal. America has gone a long way down the wrong road. We must turn around and go back and change roads. If ever we needed God's help, it is now!"
Ive always been a big believer in the wisdom, If God brings you to it, God will get you through it, and when Biden became our president yesterday, regardless how it all happened to come about, folks like me pray hell turn out to be a dandy.
On Nov.
For instance, on Election Day he explained why America has no king:
* * *
(NOTE: This is an excerpt from an article, Who is King in America? Not to Vote is to Abdicate the Throne! The Lord hold accountable! This article appears on The American Minute with Bill Federer on November 3, 2020)
W.D. Ross wrote in Aristotle (London, Methuen, 1937, p. 247): "Aristotle's ... citizen is not content to have a say in the choosing of his rulers; every citizen is actually to rule ... not merely in the sense of being a member of the executive, but in the sense ... of helping to make the laws of his state."
The word "demos" means "people" and "cracy" means "to rule." A "democracy" is where the citizens are king - ruling directly. The word "democracy," in the broad sense, generally refers to people being involved in ruling, but as a specific political system, "democracy" only ever worked on a small, city-wide basis, where everyone could be present at every meeting.
Larger than a city, it broke down, as not every citizen could be there every day. A "republic" is where the citizens are king, ruling indirectly, through their representatives. Republics could grow larger, as citizens could take care of their families and farms, and send representatives in their place to go to the market every day to talk politics.
Americans pledge allegiance to the flag "and to the republic for which it stands." We are basically pledging allegiance to us being in charge of ourselves. Webster's 1828 Dictionary defined "REPUBLIC" as: "A state in which the exercise of the sovereign power is lodged in representatives elected by THE PEOPLE."
When someone protests the flag, they are effectively saying, "I don't want to be king anymore - I protest this system where the people rule themselves."
A "constitutional" republic is where a constitution lays out the rules of how to elect representatives, what their functions are, and what are the limitations of their power.
The experiment of an American republic began at a time when most of the world was ruled by kings, sultans, emperors, czars, and chieftains.
Nearly a century before Europe's "Age of Enlightenment," Pilgrims and Puritans fled from the King of England to settle New England.
In 1636, a Congregational minister, Rev. Thomas Hooker, and his church, fled again from Puritan Massachusetts to found Hartford, Connecticut. His church members asked him to preach a sermon on how they should set up their government.
Rev. Hooker preached a sermon, May 31, 1638, explaining:
"Deuteronomy 1:13 'CHOOSE YOU wise men and understanding and known among your tribes and I will make them heads over you captains over thousands, captains over hundreds, fifties, tens ...'"
Rev. Hooker continued:
"The choice of public magistrates belongs unto THE PEOPLE by Gods own allowance ... The privilege of election ... belongs to THE PEOPLE ... according to the blessed will and law of God ... They who have power to appoint officers and magistrates it is in their power also to set the bounds and limits of the power and places unto which they call them ...
The foundation of authority is laid firstly in the free consent of THE PEOPLE."
* * *
So, you see, the American PEOPLE just chose Joe Biden as our new leader. My loyalty is neither Republican nor Democrat -- It is to the American people. I am assured the world will not come to some fiery end with our new president and have found in my 71 years weve gotten along pretty well no matter who is in charge. I believe Mr. Trump accomplished a great deal and, with our political structure being what it is, I hope Mr. Biden will be equally a success.
The best way to look ahead comes from Wednesdays American Minute on the man who became Americas Preacher, Billy Graham. The fabled crusader preached to live audiences of over in person 210 million people in more than 185 countries during his lifetime, leading an estimated 3.2 million souls to Christ. All told, with television and other outlets, his voice was held by over 3 billion (with a b) people. Graham died Feb. 31, 2018, after being placed on Gallups list of Most Admired Men and Women in America for a record 61 times
* * *
(NOTE: This article, titled, America has gone a long way down the wrong road. We must turn around ... If ever we needed God's help, it is now!" appeared on the site on Nov. 4, 2020.)
Born November in 1918, Billy Graham wanted to be a baseball player, but in 1934, after attending a revival at age 16, his life changed. Billy Graham became an evangelist in the 1940s.
He proclaimed: "All are sinners and stand under the judgment of God ... Christ came to make forgiveness and salvation possible. What did He do? He died on the cross as the complete sacrifice for our sins. He took upon Himself the judgment that we deserve ...
But like any gift, it becomes ours only when we take it ... I may say that I believe a bridge will hold my weight. But I really believe it only when I commit myself to it and walk across it.
Saving faith involves an act of commitment and trust, in which I commit my life to Jesus Christ and trust Him alone as my Savior and Lord."
He added: "Yes, it costs to follow Christ. But it also costs not to follow Christ."
Billy Graham personally addressed crowds of over 210 million people in 185 countries, which is more than any other person in history.
Through his radio and television programs, he reached over 2.5 billion with the Gospel. He repudiated racial segregation and insisted on racial integration at all his crusades. At his New York City revival in 1957, he invited Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., to preach.
Graham wrote in his autobiography: "One night civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., whom I was pleased to count a friend, gave an eloquent opening prayer at the service; he also came at my invitation to one of our Team retreats during the Crusade to help us understand the racial situation in America more fully."
Becoming friends, Billy Graham shared a conversation with Rev. King:
"His father, who was called Big Mike, called him Little Mike. He asked me to call him just plain Mike." Rev. King credited Billy Graham with reducing racial tension, as Graham even canceled a 1965 tour of Europe to preach crusades in Alabama, allowing the Gospel to bring healing between the races.
Martin Luther King, Jr., wrote:
"Had it not been for the ministry of my good friend Dr. Billy Graham, my work in the Civil Rights Movement would not have been as successful as it has been."
Billy Graham stated:
"Jesus was not a white man; He was not a black man. He came from that part of the world that touches Africa and Asia and Europe. Christianity is not a white man's religion, and don't let anybody ever tell you that it's white or black. Christ belongs to all people; He belongs to the whole world."
Graham wrote:
"My study of the Bible, leading me eventually to the conclusion that not only was racial inequality wrong, but Christians especially should demonstrate love toward all peoples."
President Bill Clinton addressed the National Prayer Breakfast, February 4, 1993: "The first time I ever saw Billy Graham ... he came in the 1950's, in the heat of all our racial trouble, to Arkansas to have a crusade. And the white citizens council tried to get him, because of the tensions of the moment, to agree to segregate his crusade ... He said, 'If I have to do that, I'm not coming.'
And I remember, said Clinton, I got a Sunday school teacher in my church - and I was about 11 years old - to take me 50 miles to Little Rock so I could hear a man preach who was trying to live by what he said. And then I remember, for a good while thereafter, trying to send a little bit of my allowance to the Billy Graham crusade because of the impression he made on me."
On January 20, 1997, Rev. Billy Graham delivered the invocation just prior to the Second Inauguration of President Bill Clinton, stating:
"Oh, Lord, help us to be reconciled first to you and secondly to each other. May Dr. Martin Luther King's dream finally come true for all of us. Help us to learn our courtesy to our fellow countrymen, that comes from the one who taught us that 'whatever you want me to do to you, do also to them."
Billy Graham had an unprecedented access and influence on every U.S. President from 1950 to his death in 2018:
President Truman;
President Eisenhower;
President Kennedy;
President Johnson;
President Nixon;
President Ford;
President Carter;
President Reagan;
President George H.W. Bush;
President Clinton;
President George W. Bush;
President Obama; and
President Trump.
In 1986, Chaplain of the U.S. Senate Richard Halverson stated: "When Billy Graham comes to the Capitol, suddenly, the Senate and Congress are unimportant. To me, it's a miracle. Wherever Billy is, there is the gospel of Christ."
He was friends with Queen Elizabeth II, Pope John Paul II, and innumerable leaders around the world. He lauded Pope John Paul II's 11th papal encyclical, titled "Evangelium Vitae" (Gospel of Life), issued April of 1995, as: "A forceful and thoughtful defense of the sacredness of human life in the face of the modern world's reckless march toward violence and needless death."
At a news conference, March 21, 1956, President Eisenhower stated: "This is what I see in Billy Graham - A man who clearly understands that any advance in the world has got to be accompanied by a clear realization that man is, after all, a spiritual being."
John F. Kennedy told the Presidential Prayer Breakfast, March 1, 1962: "We bear great responsibilities and great burdens not only to ourselves in this country but to so many around the world ... I commend ... Reverend Billy Graham, who has served this cause about which I speak so well here and around the world.
He has, I think, said Kennedy, transmitted this most important quality of our common commitments to faith in a way which makes all of us particularly proud."
Ronald Reagan introduced Billy Graham at a California rally, stating: Why is a representative of government here? To welcome with humble pride a man whose mission in life has been to remind us that in all our seeking ... the answer to each problem is to be found in the simple words of Jesus of Nazareth, who urged us to love one another."
Graham stated: "In a world that might say one vote doesnt matter it does matter because each person is of infinite worth and value to God Your vote is a declaration of importance as a person and a citizen."
In answering a question about voting, Billy Graham stated, July 28, 2016: "The Bible says we should do everything we possibly can to be good citizens and work for the betterment of our society, and one of the ways we can do this is by voting. God tells us to 'seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you' (Jeremiah 29:7).
Rightly or wrongly, you say youre disillusioned by what you see in politics today. But how will it be changed? Let me tell you how it wont be changed: It wont be changed if concerned people refuse to vote!
... It also wont be changed if good people refuse to run for office, or if no one votes for them. In other words, staying away from the voting booth may only perpetuate the problems you see. Although this election has passed, dont let another one go by without your intelligent involvement ... Christians in the first century didnt have the privilege of voting; Caesar was a dictator, not elected by popular vote.
But those early believers were commanded to do the one thing they could do to make the world a better place, Dr. Graham explained, They were told to pray. The Apostle Paul wrote, 'I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all peoplefor kings and all those in authority' (1 Timothy 2:1-2).
Our world will never be perfectnot until Christ returns. But in the meantime, God wants to use us to overcome sin and establish a more just world for His glory."
Rev. Graham added: "Bad politicians are elected by good people who don't vote."
Upon receiving the Congressional Gold Medal, May 2, 1996, Billy Graham continued his message, "The Hope for America": "After World War II ... we had the opportunity to rule the world ... Something has happened since those days and there is much about America that is no longer good ... the list is almost endless ... We have confused liberty with license - and we are paying the awful price. We are a society poised on the brink of self-destruction ..."
Rev. Graham continued: "What is the problem? The real problem is within ourselves ... I believe the fundamental crisis of our time is a crisis of the spirit. We have lost sight of the moral and spiritual principles on which this nation was established - principles drawn largely from the Judeo-Christian tradition as found in the Bible ...
What must be done? Let me briefly suggest three things: First, we must repent. In the depths of the American Civil War, Abraham Lincoln called for special days of public repentance and prayer. Our need for repentance is no less today ..."
He explained further: What does repentance mean?
Repentance means to change our thinking and our way of living. It means to turn from our sins and to commit ourselves to God and His will. Over 2,700 years ago the Old Testament prophet Isaiah declared, 'Seek the Lord while he may be found, call on Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the evil man his thoughts.
Let him turn to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him, and to our God, for He will freely pardon' (Isaiah 55: 6-7, NIV) ..."
Graham continued: "Second, we must commit our lives to God, and to the moral and spiritual truths that have made this nation great. Think how different our nation would be if we sought to follow the simple and yet profound injunctions of the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount. But we must respond to God, Who is offering us forgiveness, mercy, supernatural help, and the power to change ..."
Rev. Graham concluded: "Third, our commitment must be translated into action - in our homes, in our neighborhoods, and in our society. Jesus taught there are only two roads in life. One in the broad road that is easy and well-traveled, but which leads to destruction ... The other, He said, is the narrow road of truth and faith that at times is hard and lonely, but which leads to life and salvation ...
What are YOU going to do? ...
As I look out across this distinguished group gathered here, I see more than a few men and women who have what it takes, under God, to lead our country forward 'through the night'"
After the terrorist attacks of 911, Billy Graham prayed with national leaders, stating: "We are more united than ever before. I think this was exemplified in a very moving way when the members of our Congress stood shoulder to shoulder the other day and sang God Bless America.
Rev. Billy Graham gave a sober warning on October 27, 2015:
"In the event of a national catastrophe, much confusion, terror, and consternation would reign ... Suppose persecution were to come to the church in America, as it has come in other countries. The immunity to persecution that Christians in our country have experienced in the past two or three centuries is unusual.
Christ strongly warned Christians that to follow Him would not be popular, and that in most circumstances it would mean cross-bearing and persecution. The Bible says that all who 'desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution' (2 Timothy 3:12). Jesus said that as the time of His return draws nigh, 'They will seize you and persecute you' (Luke 21:12).
We have no scriptural foundation for believing that we can forever escape being persecuted for Christ's sake. The normal condition for Christians is that we should suffer persecution. Are you willing to face persecution and death for Christ's sake?"
He continued: "Since we have experienced little religious persecution in this country, it is likely that under pressure many would deny Christ. Those who shout the loudest about their faith may surrender soonest.
Many who boast of being courageous would be cowardly. Many who say, 'Though all others deny Christ, yet I will never deny Him,' would be the first to warm their hands at the campfires of the enemy. Jesus, in speaking of the last times, warned, 'Then they will hand you over to be persecuted and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name's sake' (Matthew 24:9). The Scripture says, 'because iniquity will abound, the love of many will grow cold' (Matthew 24:12).
The apostle Paul, referring to the coming evil day, said, 'Therefore take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done all, to stand' (Ephesians 6:13) ..."
He explained further: "Even though most Americans see the storm clouds gathering on the horizon, by and large we are making few preparations to meet God. This is a time for repentance and faith. It is a time for soul-searching, to see if our anchor holds.
Have you been to the cross where Christ shed His blood for your sins? Have you had the past forgiven? Have you come by faith, confessing that you are a sinner and receiving Christ as your Savior?
I tell you that this cross is the only place of refuge in the midst of the storm of judgment that is fast approaching. Make sure of your relationship with God ..."
Billy Graham concluded: "We must fortify ourselves by meditating upon the person of Christ ... Christ must be vitally real to us if we are to prove loyal to Him in the hours of crisis. Today our nation ranks as the greatest power on the face of the earth. But if we put our trust in armed might instead of Almighty God, the coming conflict could conceivably go against us.
History and the Bible indicate that mechanical and material might are insufficient in times of great crisis ... We need the inner strength that comes from a personal, vital relationship with God's Son, Jesus Christ. The wheels of God's judgment can be heard by discerning souls across the length and breadth of nations.
Things are happening fast! The need for a return to God has never been more urgent.
The words of Isaiah are appropriate for us today: 'Seek the Lord while He may be found, call you upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him, and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.'"
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