"Prophecy Face" Mayan Doomsday, by M. Balabasz – Video

"Prophecy Face" Mayan Doomsday, by M. Balabasz
"Prophecy Face" is 80 lbs of Iron. Cast at Buffalo State College by Michael Balabasz 19" wide x 25 inches x 5 inches. See it at fragmented.shutterfly.com This is a Fragment of a 4 ft face I made previously. I take sections of it to use as a billboard to project peoples beliefs which often conflict with actual facts. A popular notion was the Mayan calendar predicted an apocalypse on Dec 21, 2012. So I have depicted various end of time scenarios on Prophecy Face to highlight the issue which some people have connected to Biblical prophecy and other end of time predictions. Here I record the event in a semi-perminent state. Or at least one that will not melt till around 3000 degrees F. Mayanist scholars disagree with this apocalyptic theory, and point to the Mayan tradition of "world ages" that last about 5125 years. The Mayans believe the Fourth age ended on 12/21/12 and scholars suggest they would have had a great celebration as a Fifth age began. There is also evidence this age may include some transformation and spiritual enlightenment. Additionally many believe Mayan culture has been hijacked for profit as with things like the Da Vinci Code novel or when hidden messages were suggested in Biblical text, Tora Code. The warping of actual historical references seems to be a product of a disconnected society that only adds to New Age Beliefs in counter-culture. However as I read the news of 2012 I see Wild fires, floods, and factual data of scientific changes and I wonder if ...From:Michael BalabaszViews:89 1ratingsTime:02:37More inEntertainment

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"Prophecy Face" Mayan Doomsday, by M. Balabasz - Video

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