Meditation guru sentenced to 14 years for rape

TAIPEI - The Shihlin District Court yesterday sentenced Ouyang Hsien, the founder of Tao Chih Men Living Academy, to 14 years' imprisonment for raping a 14-year-old girl over the course of two years.

The court also ruled that the girl's mother, who is a member of the academy and engaged in sexual activities with Ouyang, is to serve 11 years in prison for assisting Ouyang in sexually assaulting her daughter.

The court said that in an attempt to gain the trust of the victim's mother, the 68-year-old Ouyang told the woman that engaging in sex with him is a method for "transferring energy into the female body to improve their health."

Police said that the academy led by Ouyang held meditation lessons with an emphasis on the power of sexual energy as the key method to achieving spiritual enlightenment.

The woman not only engaged in sex with Ouyang, but also took her then-11-year-old daughter to a motel and let Ouyang sexually assault the girl in 2011, the court said, adding that after the incident the woman forced the victim to have sex with Ouyang another 17 times over the next two years.

The court said the girl audio-recorded a conversation with Ouyang this May, keeping a used tissue paper as evidence, and later used these materials to press charges against Ouyang.

Ouyang however denied the allegation of raping the girl, and claimed that he only asked her to perform fellatio twice with her consent; in light of this, the court deemed that Ouyang showed no remorse over the incident, and the mother did not fulfil her duty to protect her daughter, and thus sentenced the two to 14 and 11 years in prison, respectively.

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Meditation guru sentenced to 14 years for rape

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