Master Shas Soul Healing Center Leads Toronto Community In New Years Empowerment for 2015s Spiritual Journey With …

New York, NY (PRWEB) December 26, 2014

Master Shas Soul Healing Centre is supporting the Toronto community with a New Years Eve program designed to help individuals experience a more reflective start to the new year by connecting soul to soul and heart to heart with each other and all of humanity regardless of religious affiliation. Master Shas Soul Healing Center is open to everyone on December 31st to provide many opportunities to offer their love, forgiveness, compassion and light to the world. The Centre is located at 1160 Ellesmere Road, Scarborough, ON M1P 2X4, Canada. To register for upcoming events, visit or call 416-609-2777.

World renowned Soul Healer Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha has Soul Healing Centers around the world to help individuals live healthier, more connected, more enlightened lives on a community level, while Master Sha connects to audiences on an international level. Master Shas Centers seek to empower individuals to heal and transform every aspect of their life and to transform the world. I have the power to heal myself. You have the power to heal yourself. Together, we have the power to heal the world, says Dr. and Master Sha.

Dr. and Master Sha has personally trained and selected Master Lynda Chaplin, Master Lynne Nusyna and Master Sher ORourke as his Worldwide Representatives to lead and serve the community at Master Shas Soul Healing Center in Toronto, Canada. During this holiday season, they welcome everyone to experience the unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion and light available at Master Shas Soul Healing Center through events, blessings, meditations, teachings and support.

Meet Master Lynda, Master Lynne and Master Sher at these upcoming events that bring in the New Year with the life-changing power of soul teachings on December 31, 2014:

12:00pm Meditate with The Source Ling Guang Calligraphy (Honor Fee: $15) Thousands of people have flocked to experience Dr. and Master Shas Ling Guang Calligraphy scrolls featured in the Soul Healing Miracles book. Because Master Sha channels the Source, he transmits blessings to the calligraphies, instantly incorporating the teachings and wisdom into these sacred scrolls. When meditating with The Source Chinese Calligraphy scrolls, participants can adsorb the healing field created with the Source (frequency and vibration) power to transform all life, including boosting energy, stamina, vitality and immunity, as well as healing individuals spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies, thus preventing sickness, transforming relationships and bringing success to every aspect of a persons life.

1:00pm Chant for Love, Peace and Harmony to Offer Service to Humanity (Complimentary) Merging with 48 days of continuous chanting for World Love, Peace & Harmony, The Centre will instruct participants how to use chanting, singing and positive visualization to help the world and all its inhabitants heal and harmonize.

2:00pm Dr. and Master Shas New Years Eve Blessing (Complimentary) Join thousands of spiritually-guided beings for Dr. and Master Shas annual New Years Eve Blessing teleconference which is expected to bring together people from more than 50 countries. Dr. and Master Shas extraordinarily uplifting one-hour spiritual ceremony is the perfect way finish the last few hours of 2014. During Dr. and Master Shas New Years Eve Blessings teleconference, he will lead individuals to chant to create love, peace and harmony and will bestow soul blessings to humanity, all souls, all animals, Mother Earth and all universes.

Please register for services in advance by calling 416-609-2777.

The spiritual team at Master Shas Soul Healing Centre in Toronto are honored to serve the community and to personally guide individuals in developing their soul healing abilities, opening their spiritual channels, and advancing on their souls journey. These special holiday and new year programs are in addition to the Centres regular services and programs.

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Master Shas Soul Healing Center Leads Toronto Community In New Years Empowerment for 2015s Spiritual Journey With ...

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