In New Bestseller, Renowned Musician Documents Journey to Spiritual Enlightenment and Encourages Others to Follow

Silver Spring, MD (PRWEB) April 19, 2014

Concert pianist, jazz musician, academician and all-around musical genius, Jeffrey Chappell has published a new book charting the path he took to discover what he calls his Enlightened Self. The purpose of Answers from Silence, he says, is to encourage others to make the same journey to the place inside themselves where they can find all the answers they need to lifes big questions.

Answers from Silence achieved bestseller rankings internationally on in March, becoming a bestseller in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy, and the Washington Independent Review of Books has put Answers from Silence on its "Best Books for April" list. In a unique marketing combination, Chappell simultaneously released Enlightening Inspirational Quotes, an iPhone app with quotes from his writings and a soundtrack of him playing one of his piano compositions.

Answers from Silence is packed with Chappells own answers to lifes big questions, arrived at in the course of his spiritual quest. And while he invites readers to dip into the book for guidance in a broad range of life issues from relationships, to money, to finding contentment and beyond he is hopeful that many will follow his example to seek their own Enlightened Selves and find their own answers, purpose and fulfillment.

I think people need to understand that gurus and spiritual guides dont have some sort of monopoly or special claim to enlightenment or truth, says Chappell. Theres an Enlightened Self within each one of us, and the greatest adventure in life is to meet and converse with this Self and assimilate its innate wisdom.

There will be those who read my book looking for guidance in some area of their life, or just a deeper, richer, happier life, and I address a huge range of important issues in the book that will help them, he continues. There will be others who are looking to discover their own innate wisdom, and for them, the book can serve as a guidebook for the journey to meet their Enlightened Selves.

Rose Rosetree writes in the Midwest Book Review: This twinkly-eyed jazz composer and concert pianist has found the best way to communicate spiritual connection Ive ever read. Move over, Bhagavad-Gita.

Jeffrey Chappell is a lifelong student of spirituality, a meditator and a practitioner of the MariEl healing method. But he is better known for his career as a professional concert pianist, composer, recording artist, jazz musician and academician.

Chappell has been a soloist with the symphony orchestras of Philadelphia, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, Houston, Indianapolis and Baltimore, including concerts at Carnegie Hall and Wolf Trap Park. He has recorded on the Telarc, Centaur, Albany, MMC, and Petrichor labels, and has written music for solo piano, piano and orchestra, and various instrumental ensembles. His solo piano composition American Sonata won the Keyboard Magazine Soundpage Competition.

Chappells numerous articles have been published in Keyboard Companion Magazine, Clavier Magazine, and Piano & Keyboard Magazine, where he was a contributing editor.

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In New Bestseller, Renowned Musician Documents Journey to Spiritual Enlightenment and Encourages Others to Follow

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