Enlightenment, Spiritual Enlightenment

"En-light-en-ed" implies you must have the light. The light is within you. In the Christian Bible, it is said: Take heed that the light in you should not become darkness. It also says: If your eye be single, your whole body shall be full of light. It always mentions the light. Also, it mentions many kinds of Godly sounds, like the sound of thunder, the sound of many waters, the sound of the heavenly trumpet, the harp, and all these kinds of things.

Enlightenment is a must. Enlightenment means knowing the light within ourselves, EN-LIGHTENED. The light within us will guide every footstep in our life to the correct destination. The word of God, the sound, the vibration, the music of heaven will whisper to us all the wisdom in the universe, and what we can do in our daily lives until we fulfil our duty as the blessing givers of this Earth.

Enlightenment is the process of knowing what is greater than life, what is greater than the things we can see with our physical eyes, or touch with our physical instruments. It is the moment when we begin to know something greater than that, the true governor of the whole universe, which is also within ourselves.

Enlightenment means inner awakening. You realise that you have a power that is much greater than what you use every day. Usually, we follow the directions of our ego, but after Enlightenment, we follow God's will. We are connected with Him and recognise our real value. But at the same time we become very humble. The more we know about ourselves the more humble we become. We know that there is a greater force in the universe, and it isn't for our human understanding to discuss and to grasp. So we become humble and then very powerful, because we have a higher power within us, and use it every day for the benefit of others. As we tap within ourselves into the right source of positive power, which is called in Christian terminology, the spirit that dwells within you,' or God Almighty, we open that source that was closed before. So once that source is opened we become powerful like Christ, like Buddha. We can help many people with this inborn God power, and then we become more humble because we see within everyone the same power, so we respect everyone as living God.

Enlightenment is a gift from God, and not the result of virtuous or charitable deeds. We can all become enlightened or liberated. If not, why would God have sent Jesus or Buddha or Mohammed if we were so helpless, if only the virtuous souls could achieve it? And I do not know who is really virtuous because, every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.' We are not such sinners. It is an illusion and after you understand this, you will know that there isn't any virtue or sin. We must however work a great deal to realise this. The Quan Yin Method offers you a method free of charge to rediscover your original purity and noble heritage.

Beautifying Our Life With The Light Of Enlightenment

Our life here is already good. But, it would be best for us if we had enlightenment. Enlightenment means more light into our life. Not artificial light, but the light that is everlasting. Then, every activity and everything we do, we are very clear. Not clear at the level of the mind, but clear at the level of super consciousness. Therefore, we will always be in the correct direction. Even if we make mistakes, it is not a mistake. We will know it's just apparently so, but it's actually the plan of the universal brotherhood.

Many people fear that after enlightenment, they cannot do their business, that they may not be able to get married, or they will have trouble of any kind. But it is the wrong conception of enlightenment. Enlightenment should be, that we will be more beneficial to the world, more efficient in whatever we do, and more happy in our life. Enlightenment doesn't mean we have to spend our life in misery or in ascetic practice, smearing ashes all over the body and all that. You can do that if you are in India. It saves some cloth. But in the West we don't need to do that. Whatever we do, whether we smear ashes on our body, whether we shave our head, or we wear rags or beautiful clothes, it should be accompanied with enlightenment. And that is all we lack.

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What is it about Enlightenment that so many people make a great mystery about, praise so much, and encourage us to go forward to claim it again? It is not Enlightenment at all. It is just the Truth. It is just the way it should be; it is the way it is. And if we don't know Enlightenment, then we continue suffering so much until we realize that everything else is not important, except to know God.

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Enlightenment, Spiritual Enlightenment

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