Behind the Scenes of Spiritual Enlightenment

A new book by Marc Leavitt takes the reader behind the scenes of 'Spiritual Enlightenment'.

Roseland, Virginia (PRWEB) September 27, 2012

Marc kept meticulous journals detailing the day to day, month to month, and year to year unfolding of the self in detail. His book, Enlightenment: Behind the Scenes is a very personal account of an incredibly impersonal process broken down step by step and presented to the reader almost in slow motion. Marcs story of Enlightenment centers on four life altering Visions that spontaneously occurred while he was living out his day to day life. Until that time, Marc had never experienced anything remotely out of the ordinary. It was after his repeated visit to the world renowned Monroe Institute that things began to take a dramatic turn.

After returning home from a weeklong meditation retreat at the Monroe Institute, Marc writes that I would find myself spontaneously thrust into a vastly more expansive perspective which placed the entire world in a wholly new context. These Visions were progressive in nature as they clearly and pointedly demonstrated the Grand Design of Reality. Describing his book, Marc continues, I outline a play by play account of how four of these Visions shaped a new understanding regarding the true architecture of Reality and how this understanding resolves one of our greatest philosophical paradoxes, the relationship between mind and matter / God and the world.

The current trend is to call this subject Advaita, Nonduality or not-two, which infers that there is only God or more specifically, only Awareness. The implication being that the entire universe along with its inhabitants is actually none other than God or Awareness manifesting as this world of appearances. Marc points out that prior to the word Nonduality, the popular buzz word associated with the subject of Spiritual Enlightenment was Oneness. Of course, the view that the entire world is a manifestation of God or Awareness has a long history in all major religions generally referred to as the Perennial Teachings.

Marc describes that There is an evolutionary flow that dictates our understanding of these Perennial teachings is becoming ever more nuanced by taking us from One-Ness to Non-Dual to a Tri-Unistic perspective. The concept of the Triunity is also found in all major religions as a means to describe the multifaceted aspect of God. Marc maintains that the mystery of our relationship to God is revealed in this Triunistic model of Reality. He concludes, What the Triunistic perspective brings to the conversation is specifically just how and why we are all One and specifically how and why the relationship between man and the world or even man and God are nondual in nature. Whereas the current teachings in Nonduality simply assert that everything is God or Awareness, Marc clearly explains for the first time in lay terms how a Triunistic perspective of Reality explains the natural mechanism that ensures that God or Awareness manifests as the world we all know as home.

Marc Leavitts ebook Enlightenment: Behind the Scenes is available on Kindle, Nook or

Marc Leavitt Reality Publishers 434-277-9518 Email Information

See original here:

Behind the Scenes of Spiritual Enlightenment

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