Space Station Astronaut Set To Visit Northwest Oregon

NASA astronaut and recent International Space Station residentChris Cassidywill be giving two public presentations and making several stops at schools in northwestOregondiscussing his latest spaceflight and encouraging students to dream big.

At6:30 p.m. PST Monday, Feb. 24, Cassidy will give his first public presentation in the auditorium at Central High School, 1530 Monmouth St.,Independence, Ore.The presentation includes video highlights of Cassidy's recent mission to the space station as well as a question-and-answer session with audience members. The event is free of charge and open to the media.

A similar presentation will take place at7 p.m. PST Tuesday, Feb. 25, in the Bldg. 6 auditorium atChemeketa Community College, 4000 Lancaster Drive NE,Salem, Ore.

Along the way, Cassidy will visit additional schools inCorvallis,Independence,MonmouthandSalem. For information about the individual school visits contactGreg Mitchell, principal, Central High School, at 503-606-2216

Cassidy spent six months living aboard the space station as a flight engineer on Expedition 36. During his stay, Cassidy and his crewmates conducted hundreds of research experiments before returning to earth onSept. 10, 2013. He is a 1993 graduate of theU.S. Naval Academyand a former member of the U.S. Navy SEAL Team. The two-time spaceflight veteran has completed six spacewalks, totaling 31 hours and 14 minutes and accumulated 182 days in space.

Journalists seeking interviews with Cassidy should contactBrenda Cabanissat 281-244-8860

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Space Station Astronaut Set To Visit Northwest Oregon

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