Rocket Booster Aiming For Ocean Barge In Redo Of SpaceX Test

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CAPE CANAVERAL (CBSMiami/AP) The 1-million-mile destination for a space weather satellite isnt what has the space community excited. Its the rockets ocean landing that everyone will be monitoring after Sundays launch.

The SpaceX company will take a second stab at landing a booster on a platform floating off the Florida coast; last months experiment ended in a fireball.

The close, but no cigar attempt on Jan. 10 was caused by an insufficient amount of hydraulic fluid. SpaceX added extra fluid for Sundays sunset landing attempt. But the booster will fly back faster this time given its particular course, and company officials are less certain of success in this attempt to demonstrate rocket reusability.

So on one side we fixed the problem, on the other side this trajectory is a lot more aggressive and a lot more difficult, SpaceX vice president Hans Koenigsmann said Saturday. He stressed that the test is secondary and entirely separate from the primary mission of launching the Deep Space Climate Observatory for NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA.

Excellent weather is forecast for the 6:10 p.m. launch.

The Deep Space Climate Observatory is the revitalized version of the Earth-observing spacecraft conceived in the late 1990s by then Vice President Al Gore. It was called Triana back then, after the sailor who first spotted land on Christopher Columbus famed voyage.

The Triana program was suspended, however, and the spacecraft put in storage in 2001. The spacecraft was tested seven years later and refurbished for this new $340 million mission known as DSCOVR, pronounced discover, a joint effort by NASA, NOAA and the Air Force.

DSCOVR will travel to the so-called Lagrange point, or L1, a spot 1 million miles from Earth and 92 million miles from the sun, where the gravity fields are neutralized.

The spacecraft will observe Earth from this ideal vantage point scientists expect wow pictures of the home planet but its primary objective will be to monitor outbursts from the sun that could disrupt communications and power back on Earth.

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Rocket Booster Aiming For Ocean Barge In Redo Of SpaceX Test

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