*Forensic Evidence – UFO passes International Space Station – Video

*Forensic Evidence - UFO passes International Space Station
Watch *NEW* Forensic Evidence Here!: http://www.youtube.com The outer space or empty space , also simply called space , refers to the relatively empty regions of the universe outside the atmospheres of celestial bodies. Space is used outside to distinguish it from airspace (and terrestrial areas). The outer space is not completely empty of material (ie, not a perfect vacuum ) but containing a low particle density, gas predominantly hydrogen as well as electromagnetic radiation . Although it is assumed that outer space occupies almost the entire volume of the universe and has long been considered mostly empty, or filled with a substance called ether , now known to contain most of the matter in the universe. This matter is made #8203; #8203;of electromagnetic radiation, cosmic particles, neutrinos without mass and even forms of matter not well known as dark matter and dark energy . In fact in the universe each of these components contributes to the total area , according to estimates, in the following proportions: cold condensed matter (0.03%), stellar matter (0.5%), neutrinos (massless particles, 0.3%), dark matter (25%) and dark energy (75%). The physical nature of the latter is still little known. Only known by some of its properties that print gravitational effects in the period of revolution of the galaxies , on the one hand, and the accelerated expansion of the universe or cosmic inflation on the other. There is no clear boundary between Earth #39;s atmosphere and space, as the density of ...From:Forensic EvidenceViews:0 2ratingsTime:06:42More inEducation

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*Forensic Evidence - UFO passes International Space Station - Video

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