China achieves first manual space docking

With the presence of China's first female astronaut Liu Yang on the Shenzhou-9 mission already a huge source of national pride, China's increasingly ambitious space programme took another leap forward on Sunday when the three-member crew of Shenzhou-9 performed China's first-ever manual space docking.

Mastering the technique of joining spacecraft together manually is seen as a vital step towards China's goal of having an operating space station by 2020.

The success of the Shenzhou-9 mission could not have come at a better time for the ruling Communist party, which in recent years has sought to bolster its status by encouraging nationalist fervour rather than any adherence to Maoist ideology. Later this year, the Communist Party faces a once-in-a-decade leadership change, while the party is still struggling to deal with the aftermath of the fall of the disgraced senior politician Bo Xilai, whose wife Gu Kailai is likely to be charged with the murder of the British businessman Neil Heywood.

Until now, China has performed all its space dockings by remote control, the procedure that was used to join Shenzhou-9 to the experimental Tiangong-1 space lab last Monday, two days after its launch on June 16.

But after decoupling from Tiangong-1 this morning and moving 1,300 feet away, astronaut Liu Wang delicately manoeuvred Shenzhou-9 back towards the module and docked with it at 12.42pm today local time.

China remains far behind the US and Russia in space technology. But by bringing two spacecraft together, the Chinese have once again demonstrated their determination to stake their claim in space.

The Shenzhou-9 mission, China's fourth manned space flight, has been watched avidly by a proud Chinese public, especially fascinated by the presence of 33-year-old Liu Yang, China's first woman in space.

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China achieves first manual space docking

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