Astronaut's Breathtaking Photos From Space

Astronaut Chris Hadfield is releasing a stunning book of photos that he snapped from space.

During his time orbiting Earth in the International Space Station, the mustachioed Canadian gained a following as he shared the ins and outs of life in space on social media. Millions of Earthlings were treated to photos, videos and blog posts answering everything from how Hadfield sleeps to whether it's possible to cry in space.

He wasn't afraid to bust out a song, either. After his final mission, Hadfield treated his fans at home to a rendition of David Bowie's "Space Oddity," performed while he was on the International Space Station. The video garnered more than 22 million hits, according to Hadfield's official website.

Hadfield's book, "You Are Here: Around the World in 92 Minutes," will be released Tuesday. He's also set to play four shows with the Windsor Symphony Orchestra this weekend, where he'll play several new songs he wrote while in space.

Chris Hadfield

PHOTO: Chris Hadfield took this photo of Mount Vesuvius in Italy from the International Space Station.

Chris Hadfield

PHOTO: Chris Hadfield took this photo of Broome, Australia, from the International Space Station.

Chris Hadfield

PHOTO: Chris Hadfield took this photo of Cuba and Florida from the International Space Station.

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Astronaut's Breathtaking Photos From Space

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