Schedulability of Spacecraft Flight Software, Marek Prochazka and Jorge Lopez Trescastro, ESA – Video

Schedulability of Spacecraft Flight Software, Marek Prochazka and Jorge Lopez Trescastro, ESA
Flight Software Workshop The 2012 Flight Software Workshop was hosted by the Southwest Research Institute with support from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the Aerospace Corporation, and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. The workshop will was held at the Southwest Research Institute campus located in San Antonio, Texas. The Flight Software Workshop provides an opportunity to present current space flight architectures, novel approaches to mission solutions, and techniques for flight software development, integration, test and verification in an informal and open setting that facilitates communication across organizations and agencies. http://www.flightsoftware.orgFrom:fswworkshopViews:3 0ratingsTime:26:35More inPeople Blogs

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Schedulability of Spacecraft Flight Software, Marek Prochazka and Jorge Lopez Trescastro, ESA - Video

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