Ipswich students launch selfie-taking teddy bear Benjamin into space

10:04 23 March 2015

Benjamin Bear in the upper atmosphere


A teddy bear has been launched into space, going further than any of its kind before.

Members of Ipswich High School for Girls science club joined the Cambridge University space flight society to send Benjamin the bear up to 90,000ft using a helium weather balloon, as part of national science week.

The balloon, carrying Benjamin, a digital camera, GPS tracker and parachute, burst in the upper atmosphere, and its contents were picked up in Rutland. Head of Physics Marcus Gibbs said: We were thrilled the flight was a huge success. The girls were excited to be involved in the space mission, and over the moon that Benjamin took such a superb space selfie!

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Ipswich students launch selfie-taking teddy bear Benjamin into space

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