Indo-Russian space efforts: commemorating thirty years

The Hindu As part of the celebrations, a Russian folk dance ensemble, Rainbow, entertained the audience with around 16 performances. Photo: M. Srinath

It was an evening of soul-stirring Russian music and foot-tapping dance that marked the 30th anniversary celebrations of the first Indo-Russian international space flight, held in the city on Monday.

A photo exhibition on the space collaboration was also organised as part of the programme. The event was organised jointly by Russian Centre of Science and Culture, and Indo-Russian Cultural and Friendship Society, with the support of inter-regional public organisation continental cultures achievement assembly, DOSTOYANIE.

A letter by Rakesh Sharma, the first Indian to travel in space, addressed to Nikolay A. Listopadov, consul general of the Russian Federation in India, which was displayed at the exhibition drew the attention of visitors.

In his letter, Mr. Sharma recollected instances of collaboration between India and Russia in various spheres, especially space exploration. He expressed the hope that the interaction between the countries would increase in the future as space exploration is being stepped up.

N. Ram, chairman of Kasturi and Sons Ltd, who was the chief guest at the event, spoke about the collaboration between the two countries in various fields. Mr. Listopadov also addressed the gathering.

As part of the celebrations, a Russian folk dance ensemble, Rainbow, comprising 21 artistes, entertained the audience with around 16 performances.

Though the songs were in Russian, language did not seem to be a barrier for the predominantly Indian audience that relished the show as much as the Russians.


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Indo-Russian space efforts: commemorating thirty years

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