What Could the Paris Legion be Planning? – The Game Haus

Over the years, roster mania has been very crazy. However, this year, it is a little different. Other than the news of a possible merger between OpTic and Dallas and changes of a few teams, there has not been a lot of things that have been happening this off-season. What could the Paris Legion be planning?

For the Paris Legion, it is no different than every other season. They need to rebuild. After two consecutive seasons of terrible performance in the Call of Duty League, the COD competitive community is looking to see if Paris is actually going to try and get a roster to be able to compete in the league.

For the past two seasons for the Legion, it has been really uneventful. It truly has been full of defeat. In the first season, they created a roster with Louqa, KiSMET, Shockz, Denz, and Zed. They had two top-three finishes in tournaments, but other than that, they placed either last place or second to last place.

The second season of the Paris franchise was also a heartbreaking one as they started out with the roster of Skrapz, Aqua, Classic, and Fire. The best placing this team ever reached was 7-8th place in tournaments over the start of the season to the middle of it.

They then changed to have Temp and Zaptius on the team. This showed a little improvement during the ending of the season. However, their best performance was, yet again, 7-8th place finishes.

Some players that are still on the market might want to take advantage of the Paris Legion and pounce on a good deal to maybe better their careers and their time. With many young and talented players waiting in the wings, things could be really promising for the Paris Legion.

One player that they could be looking at is Denza. He is very well known in the Call of Duty League as he is known to be the Belgian buster as he is a talented player from the country of Belgium who broke onto the scene.

A player from England who is known for his flashy plays as well as his killer mindset while in-game. His communication for times in-game while on Team Singularity is where he was the most known as he had great success with the team.

He could make his return to a quality team after his short stint of being on the Rokkr back in 2019. He is still a very talented player that wants to prove to his Call of Duty League colleagues as well as the world that he is still the aggressive player he once was back in previous game titles.

Well this, again, is a longshot. But could you imagine him building this team. This team was never great. So could you imagine if they decided to take this chance on the three-time world champion to rely on him to create another world championship team. He knows talent from a million miles away and has an eye for success. If this is the case, things could be looking great for the team from Paris.

Featured Image Courtesy of the Paris Legion

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What Could the Paris Legion be Planning? - The Game Haus

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