Sermorelin vs HCG for Weight Loss – Nu Image Medical

Last week we discussed the differences between HGH and HCG for weight loss, however we didn't discuss Sermorelin vs HCG for weight loss and how this HGH stimulating peptide is different. Sermorelin is a HGH secretagogue, or a peptide that causes the body to naturally release its own HGH. This way, the HGH that is produced is natural and there are no concerns about the purity of the actual hormone since it is produced by the body. Sermorelin causes a gradual rise in HGH production after being injected for several weeks at a time. Sermorelin directly causes the body to create its own HGH, while the hormone HGH itself is often injected for the purpose of weight loss and anti-aging. Sermorelin and HGH have different effects on the body, and Sermorelin has become a popular anti-aging treatment that also has some weight loss gains. However, between Sermorelin and HCG, HCG is still the better hormone for weight loss for reasons explained below.

HCG is the most widely used and effective hormone for the specific purpose of weight loss. It is clinically proven to assist with weight loss on a very low calorie diet. Most people try Sermorelin therapy for the purpose of anti-aging, and it has a wide range of positive effects on the body. Weight loss is certainly possible with Sermorelin therapy but it is rarely the primary goal of the treatment. The usual primary goal of Sermorelin injections is to replace any reduced HGH levels that are the result of aging or other causes. Sermorelin can result in a moderate amount of weight loss but it often needs to be combined with exercise and a healthy diet, and it can be much more difficult to lose weight with Sermorelin alone compared to HGH.

Unlike the HCG diet, there is no specific Sermorelin diet that will optimize the weight loss potential of the treatment. Sermorelin results in weight loss when administered as a treatment over a long period of time. The weight loss that normally results is usually around 5 to 10 pounds after several months of treatment, usually four to six months. This assumes very little to no exercise. The HCG diet on the other hand is designed to help the body lose as much weight as possible by maximizing the effectiveness of the hormone. The diet avoids specific foods that can cause an interaction with the hormone, and it was developed through clinical research. There is no such protocol for Sermorelin outside of general guidelines for eating healthy and exercising on a regular basis.

As previously mentioned, weight loss is only a side benefit of Sermorelin therapy, and the amount of weight loss will vary dramatically from one person to another. In general, the weight loss that Sermorelin can offer is very limited. It is a good treatment for many people who are HGH deficient, and it is a good way to maintain a healthy weight when combined with a healthy diet and exercise. However, HCG is far better for the purpose of losing a large amount of weight in a short period of time. HCG can realistically cause up to 40 pounds of weight loss in just six weeks when combined with the very low calorie diet protocol. It has been proven time and time again to be one of the best weight loss treatments in the world, and for patients who intend to lose weight there is simply no other hormone or treatment that will work better in the vast majority of cases.

When combined with exercise, Sermorelin is great for maintaining a healthy weight. The loss of HGH that occurs with aging is correlated with an increase in body fat and a decrease in muscle mass. The loss of HGH also slows down the body's fat metabolism, which is why it is easier to put on weight as we start to age and harder to lose it. Sermorelin helps with all of that and more. It helps restore a more youthful metabolism, so that the food you do eat isn't converted into fat as easily. It also helps with improving muscle mass which in turn burns more calories when you are sedentary, and it helps burn abnormal fat that you already have. In general, it's a great option for aging adults to help them maintain their weight.

Sermorelin is also proven to be effective at helping adults restore a more normal sleep cycle. An abnormal sleep cycle and insomnia are both associated with weight gain. People who stay up for longer periods of time are more likely to eat to stay alert or out of boredom, and many sleep disorders and problems are associated with weight gain. Sermorelin has been reported to help adults improve their sleep within just days of starting the treatment, and by getting higher quality sleep and more sleep, it can be easier to maintain a healthy weight. Most adults need a minimum of 7 hours of sleep per night to be adequately rested, and if you are an aging adult with weight to lose as well as sleep problems, you may definitely want to consider starting Sermorelin therapy.

You will only lose a very small amount of weight on Sermorelin therapyunless you exercise regularly. One of the main benefits of taking Sermorelin is the fact that you will recover more quickly from your workouts, and you will build more muscle than you would without the treatment. Just as a young person can exercise while maintaining a high energy level, Sermorelin can help improve your energy levels when you are working out and help your body get more out of your workouts. The result is that your body will respond better to physical activity. To really see significant weight loss results with the therapy you do have to exercise regularly. However, exercise is definitely not a requirement for the HCG diet and as a result it is often more convenient for patients, especially those with a lot of pounds to lose.

A main benefit of the HCG diet is that it never requires exercise for weight loss and it works fast. Anyone who wants to lose weight as quickly as possible should consider starting the HCG diet. Once the diet has been completed, if the patient has a HGH deficiency, it can easily be corrected with Sermorelin therapy and it should. Although HCG is better for weight loss than Sermorelin, Sermorelin is often necessary for many patients who have a small to significant HGH deficiency. It offers a great way for patients to maintain a youthful metabolism, lose a few pounds, put on more muscle and get more out of their workouts, but the HCG diet offers the fastest way to lose weight in the shortest period of time.

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Sermorelin vs HCG for Weight Loss - Nu Image Medical

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