Second Amendment supporters rally in Roanoke – WSET

ROANOKE, Va. (WSET) -- A group of Roanoke residents gathered with guns in hand Saturday for Virginia's 11th annual Pro-Second Amendment Rally.

The group rallied in support of individual gun rights.

Second Amendment supporters say guns are harmless, but it's people who make them dangerous.

"Not one shot has been fired, no one's been hurt, no injuries, and we're just here to remind people that it's your right to carry," said Daniel Highberger, who helped organize the rally. "It's your right to protect yourself, and to the gun-grabbers out there in the world, explain to us why no one's gotten hurt on this corner."

Challice Finicum say her father's death is all the more reason to support the right to bear arms. LaVoy Finicum was a spokesperson for Citizens for Constitutional Freedom. He was shot and killed by state troopers at an Oregon wildlife refuge over a government land dispute.

"The video is on YouTube, you can watch him get out of his truck with his hands in the air, and they shoot him in the back three times," said Finicum.

Federal officials say he was reaching for a gun. His death made national headlines.

Those calling for more gun regulations say the protesters are not taking everything into account.

"I wish that they would exercise their listening abilities to hear about the real-life cases where children have been shot," explained Freeda Cathcart, a member of the General Federation of Women's Clubs. "And also parents who have been shot by their children."

Cathcart also referenced drug and alcohol addicts and mentally ill people who carry guns.

Both sides agree all guns should be used by responsible owners.

The City of Roanoke recently introduced a bill banning the open carrying of long guns within city limits. The bill did not pass in the General Assembly.

**Editor's Note**

Video version states Freeda Cathcart as a member of the General Federation of Women's Clubs Virginia. Webscript has been updated to reflect proper title: General Federation of Women's Clubs.

See original here:

Second Amendment supporters rally in Roanoke - WSET

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