'Second Amendment Education Act' seeks gun rights curriculum in S.C. schools

A South Carolina state lawmaker wants students to celebrate gun rights in schools, so he introduced the Second Amendment Education Act, which designates Dec. 15 as Second Amendment Awareness Day and requires instruction on the right to bear arms for at least three consecutive weeks in the school year.

Rep. Alan Clemmons, a Myrtle Beach Republican, was motivated to write the bill after a 16-year-old South Carolina high school student was suspended and arrested for a fictional essay he wrote about buying a gun and shooting a neighbors pet dinosaur.

One of the stipulations in Mr. Clemmons bill requires schools to conduct essay contests with Second Amendment themes and provide recognition for statewide contest winners.

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Zero-tolerance [gun] policies have squelched discussion and teaching of the Second Amendment in schools, Mr. Clemmons told The Washington Times.

If not addressed, a zero-tolerance attitude could create a generation that doesnt understand the Second Amendment and views firearms as evil even if used by law-abiding citizens, he said.

Not everyone agrees.

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Shannon Argueta, a liberal blogger often critical of guns, called the bill alarming and said she doubted a curriculum pushed by NRA supporters Mr. Clemmons is a longtime member would be balanced.

I find the idea of having a school pushing pro-gun propaganda for the NRA to be pretty alarming, said Ms. Argueta, a Florida mom with a 10-year-old son.

See the article here:

'Second Amendment Education Act' seeks gun rights curriculum in S.C. schools

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