Sallie Helmer: Walker's cut taxes, protected gun rights, backs voter ID

Dear Editor: Scott Walker is endorsed with an A+ rating by the NRA; he will protect your Second Amendment Rights. He signed Wisconsin's "concealed carry" law, making it clear you can protect yourself in public, and the "castle doctrine" law, making it clear you can protect yourself in your home. He supports the state constitutional amendment guaranteeing your right to keep and bear arms, and supports Wisconsin's hunting heritage.

Mary Burke will give us the same extremist Democrat ideology, more gun control, no enforcement of the laws on the books, budget deficits, less private-sector jobs, higher taxes. Burke shares Obama's "hope and change" philosophy, which tested becomes "despair and lawlessness."

Scott Walker cut taxes, reforms that give the average family an extra $322 to spend. Walker revealed his platform for a second term: more tax cuts, continue the freeze on UW System and technical college tuition, replace Common Core academic standards with an in-state alternative. Wisconsin's voter ID law is backed by Walker as well as drug testing for anyone requesting unemployment or food stamps. Taxpayers who pay the bill for those needing help want assurance those who seek help take steps to help themselves.

Sallie Helmer


See original here:

Sallie Helmer: Walker's cut taxes, protected gun rights, backs voter ID

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