Letters to the editor – Opinion – Utica Observer Dispatch

3 steps can control coronavirus




If South Korea, Germany, Japan and yes, even China, have controlled Covid-19 with these three steps, so can the United States.

And until a better solution is found, dont take no for an answer!

Barry Damsky, Whitesboro

Social distancing is a must

President Trump thinks that truth is a precious commodity in short supply, which is probably why he uses it so sparingly. Hes simply not trustworthy.

Obamas set up White House epidemic monitoring agencies within NCS and DHS. They monitored and fought epidemics outside the US before they got here. Trump eliminated them and cut funds devoted to monitoring epidemics at CDC. He said he wasn't responsible for these cuts at all and that he was doing a great job, even as the number of ill has surpassed China. He reversed his view every few days and failed to act, so he blamed China. And Obama.

But this virus doesnt care how you fix the blame. It treats Republicans and Democrats, babies and grandmothers, the homeless and senators, New Yorkers and Texans all the samewere all hosts.

Without effective drugs, the only strategy is social-distancing, which must be enforced everywhere. Some states have no restrictions. Since testing availability is still spotty and it takes a couple of weeks for symptoms to appear, we dont know who is sick. This strategy demands federal leadership. We have name-calling and finger-pointing but no leadership and time is short.

Paul Schulman, Utica

President forgets were UNITED states

Our president is now proposing enacting a quarantine of New Yorkers to keep us from traveling to Florida since his "best bud, the governor of Florida, wants it because New York is a "hotspot. Where do I begin in response to this?!

This idea is from a governor who kept the beaches open as the rest of the nation, despite Trump's ignorant lethargy, acted in response to the coronavirus. This idea, pitifully lacking in thought, was never discussed with our governor before it was announced our Governor who has, from the beginning of this crisis, shown intelligence, vision and soul.

This president of the UNITED States of America clearly does not comprehend that we are all in this together; he does not comprehend that this virus is everywhere; he does not comprehend that this quarantine idea only divides our nation. I fear that this is only the beginning of a trend of targeting and blaming. An additional thought: Many New Yorkers travel to Florida annually, supporting the travel industry there. Perhaps that will change.

Terry Cardinal, New Hartford

Tenney strong 2nd Amendment supporter

This year, Central New York could see a re-election battle between a current and a former Member of Congress Anthony Brindisi and Claudia Tenney. While there are major differences between the two, one of the biggest, and most important, is their support or in one case, lack thereof, for the Second Amendment.

When Tenney was in Congress and the Assembly, she held a number of events supporting Remington Arms in Ilion, one of the biggest employers in New York. She even voted and cosponsored a number of bills to advance Second Amendment rights across the country. Anthony Brindisi on the other hand has been absent in the district when it comes to supporting the Second Amendment, and even voted to restrict gun rights in Washington (HR8) when he voted for a restrictive gun control bill that was passed off as a bill strengthening background checks.

A few weeks ago, Tenney even attended a meeting in Rome that focused on expanding Second Amendment rights in New York State, along with Second Amendment rights events held in Ilion and Boonville.

The 2nd Amendment seems to be the only amendment in the Bill of Rights that's constantly being infringed upon, regulated and being tested at every level of the court system in America. When I go to the polls in November, the Second Amendment will be my top issue, and I will remember which candidate stood for it, and which sat silently as it was attacked.

Bohdan Rabarsky, Utica

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Letters to the editor - Opinion - Utica Observer Dispatch

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