Groups Exercise First, Second Amendment Rights in Peaceful Gatherings –

Gatherings of all sizes and kinds marked a lengthy Saturday in the Tri-State, capped with a group spending the evening keeping an eye on businesses in Evansville.

About 15 men came together in the parking lot near Target on the east side, many of them openly carrying firearms.

They told us they were there to protect the community and they didnt want to see anything torn up.

The armed members of the group became the latest in a series of expressions of constitutional rights, done so through the night in peace.

For Saadia Miles, speaking out today is a family affair.

Were tired. Im raising up two beautiful black women. And this cant keep happening. After the whole worlds seen George. Its changed the dynamic of how were moving today, she explained.

She joined others in bringing their kids down to the waterfront in peaceful demonstration Saturday afternoon.

Spreading a message not just across the city, but through generations.

I think its just sad that the racism is going around, her daughter Bianca said.

Weve had a lot of negativity out here. And thats been hard to deal with, Saadia added. Were still not getting the support we need. And thats why were still standing here. Were still fighting. This is all a learning lesson.

For their family, coming out isnt just about a single issue.

We have to stop, and its not even about the police at this point either. We have to stop the gun violence against us too. We have to love each other for everybody to love us as well, Saadia explained.

As crowds continued to gather throughout the afternoonat the Four Freedoms monument before marching to the Ford Centerother mothers in the group of hundreds also shared how the last moments of George Floyd brought them out.

Im a momma. Ive got four kids but I have two black grandkids. It just bothers me. He cried for his momma at the end. Its just sad. Its horrible, Melissa Key said.

Saadia Miles, and her daughters, echoed that idea

We wanna live. This is why were here. Thats why my kids are here. We want to live. We want the same respect we give to everybody else, Saadia explained.

as their voices, and that of others from across the city, echoed through the streets.


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Groups Exercise First, Second Amendment Rights in Peaceful Gatherings -

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