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Armed women and men with patches on their arms showing the Three Percenter logo III surrounded by stars have been seenat Second Amendment rallies and other protests serving a security role.
Sunday's Second Amendment rally was no exception. Three Percenters who were stationed around the rally-goers and protesters got a shoutout from the organizer, Ben Kennedy, asbeing patriots.
Here's what we know about the group:
The name comes from the idea that 3% of people fought in the Revolutionary Waragainst England. The Three Percenters - Original Facebook page states that it is a "national organization made up of patriotic citizens who love their country, their freedoms, and their liberty. We are committed to standing against and exposing corruption and injustice."
The Kentucky 3 Percenters, an incorporated organization,is "Pro 2A, Pro life and have faith in the brotherhood we have established," according to an informational packet.
More: Audubon police chief names officer who had Three Percenter decal on cruiser
No. Various chapters, incorporated organizations and groups have adopted the Three Percenter "way,"said Patsy Kays Bush, the state secretary for the Kentucky 3 Percenters.
The state's group isn't part of any national group, she added."That's not us," she said, adding that people confuse different groups with the same name.
In Kentucky, the Three Percenters disagree withGov. Andy Beshear's measures to stemthe coronavirus pandemic.
Bush said the governor hasn't heard people's complaints and is too removed from citizens' problems, like not being able to get their unemployment or book a haircut soon enough. She also said the governor makes too many orders as opposed to recommendations.
Bush said that the Three Percenters weren't behind the hanging of Beshear in effigy and that she didn't think it was a good idea, though a man wearing a Three Percenter patch on his arm helped hang it.
"I was against it from day one," Bush said. She said the effigy was not her group's idea and it was meant as a statement and nothing more. She said it was "spur of the moment" and the group had nothing to do with it.
"We don't condone violence of any kind," she said, adding that if she had known about it ahead of time, she would have tried to stop it.
An effigy of Gov. Andy Beshear was hanged from a tree outside the Kentucky state Capitol during a Memorial Day weekend protest. Louisville Courier Journal
The Three Percenters do not consider themselves a militia, according to, a national Facebook page and Bush.
"We identify as a prepper group because that's mostly what we do," Bush said."However, if we were called upon to become a militia, at any time, we'd be ready in a heartbeat."
The Southern Poverty Law Centercalls Three Percenters part of the "antigovernment militia movement, along with the Oath Keepers and traditional militia groups."
Bush said the Kentucky group isn't a militia or close to it. Shesaid the group is peaceful andspends its meetings learning skills such assnaring animals and learning how to prepare meat. The groupis also involved in charity work, she said.
As for the Three Percenter security at the rally, she said the group'spresence wasn't a threat to anyone.
"They're here to show that they can, not that they will. They can carry those guns if they want to. It's legal. That's their right, that's what they're here for," Bush said. "That's what they'reshowing peopleto try and get the message out to people. They're not here to kill anybody."
Related: Republicans and Democrats alike condemn effigy of Beshear that was hanged at state Capitol
USA Today has previously reportedthatmembers of the group were involved in theviolent protests following a deadly neo-Nazi rally in 2017 in Charlottesville, Virginia, but the national group issued a stand-down order. The Washington Post alsoreportedthe group took steps to disassociate itself fromtheracismat the rally.
The Three Percenters are known to use a version of the "OK" hand sign, which gained popularity as a hoax but was then adopted by white supremacists to mean "white power," according to the Anti-Defamation League.
Bush said the version she uses is a sign with three fingers extended across the chest to honor the people who fought in the Revolutionary War.
"Wehave blacks in our group,we have gays in our group," Bush said, adding the group welcomes diversity. "We want everybody we can get."
Since the rally, she said people have reached out to call her and other Three Percenters terrorists and racists.
"We don't have a racist bone in our body between us," she said. "We are a diverse group."
Opinion: Andy Beshear is just fine after 'symbolic' lynching by white supremacists
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