Biden the Half Wit Dares Lecture the Public on the 2nd Amendment – AmmoLand Shooting Sports News

U.S.A. -( The problem for Americans is that Joe Biden, the presumptive U.S. Presidential nominee of the Democrat Party, can feasibly become U.S. President. That fact makes Biden less amusing, and more frightening. Among those who are markedly incompetent to serve as U.S. President, we find Joe Biden. But, if he were at least affable, we could laugh at this clown, rather than frown.

Americans know when politicians come across as crass, insulting, and derisive. A person cannot effectively serve as the leader of the Nation if that person treats the general public as contemptible lowborn plebeians. That was a major failing of Hillary Clinton, among a litany of others. Something she could not hide. And, Bidens low regard for the average American has also become clear. We saw Bidens churlish behavior recently, during his exchange with a Detroit auto plant worker.

Fox News later interviewed the Detroit auto plant worker, Jerry Wayne, regarding what became an apparent contentious argument with former Vice President Joe Biden about Bidens position on gun rights.

Jerry Wayne chatted with Fox & Friends and said Biden could have easily said Im not taking questions and I would have very respectfully walked away. But he wanted to listen to my question and I dont think that he was ready for it. Wayne also noted that he tried to ask Biden questions about how he was going to improve the situations of union workers like himself in the future.

We bare [sic] arms and we like to do that. If he wants to give us work and take us [sic] guns, I dont know how he will get the same vote, Wayne said. He also called it disturbing when Fox & Friends asked for his reactions to a clip of Biden expressing his view that assault weapons should be confiscated.

Were you surprised that you asked a simple question and Joe Biden just went off the deep end on you? Steve Doocy [host of Fox & Friends] asked.

Yeah. I thought I was pretty articulate and respectful, said Wayne. I didnt try to raise any feathers. And he kind of went off the deep end. I saw he was digging a hole. I just kind of let him talk for a while to dig a hole.

Politicians love to equivocate, and Biden is no exception. But equivocation is hardly a talent of these people. And they love to talk about the Constitution, even when it appears they lack an understanding of Constitutional law and especially lack an understanding of the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights. That should prevent them from proselytizing to the American public about a matter they know very little if anything about. But, then, they lack humility as wellanother disturbing and all too common failing among many politicians.

You would think a politician would be perspicacious enough to refrain from lecturing the public about matters that a politician knows little if anything about; let alone legislate over it, but a politician doesnt refrain from lecturing the public or from legislating in ways catastrophic to the well-being of the Nation.

Politicians, especially those on the Radical Left and new Progressive Left of the political spectrum, proceed along their merry way, seemingly having not a care in the world, either oblivious to the fact, or, perhaps, all too mindful of it, that the actions they take as legislators, compromising the citizenry's most sacred rights and liberties, diminishes them as Americans, undermines the Constitution, and creates a hell for the rest of us to live in.

Yet, there is no compromise (in the sense of negotiation), on a fundamental, immutable, inalienable, natural right; nor can there be compromise. The word compromise, here, denotes outright capitulation. That, of course, is what the Democrats want, and the Detroit autoworker, Jerry Wayne, was doing the public a favor in bringing to light the irrationality of Bidens remarks on the Second Amendment. Biden obviously wasnt able to respond effectively to the irrationality of his own position. How could he? His position is self-contradictory.

One cannot claim rationally to support the Second Amendment, when one wishes to take steps to erase it. Biden may have realized the inconsistency inherent in his position on the Second Amendment when Jerry Wayne, the Detroit autoworker, had pointedly and demonstrably presented the inconsistency out to him. But, instead of admitting this, or otherwise doing what politicians are generally good atdisengaging and talking about something else when they do not wish to answer a question directly or cannot answer a pointed question directed to themBiden lashed out, like a petulant child. This is a common failing of the Radical Left and Progressive Left elements of our society. They do not wish to debate; they would rather shout a person down. That is much easier for them.

Sincerity was never Bidens long suit; nor is controlling his anger. Bidens obvious disinclination to engage the public, despite his efforts to demonstrate the contrary, comes across plainly and painfully. His rancor and deceit, irascibility and dissembling, along with an inability or lack of desire to even try to control his temper should not be lost on anyone.

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Biden the Half Wit Dares Lecture the Public on the 2nd Amendment - AmmoLand Shooting Sports News

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