Andy's Restaurant Scorecard: 1776, plus scores


(WMC) - Inside Range USA, 2770 Whitten Rd., gun enthusiasts and personal protection advocates shoot on the range -- and Nadia Mustafa cooks in the kitchen.

The kitchen. In the restaurant. In the middle of a shooting range.

Talk about a bull's-eye. The food is incredible.

Its cleanliness is what earned 1776 the High Score of the Week, a 98 on its Sept. 9 health inspection.

1776. America's birth year.

"We're all about America," said Mustafa. "And we're all about the Second Amendment."

The restaurant's decorated like the American Revolution -- the Constitution on the wall, flags and muskets. The names of its sandwiches ooze patriotism: the Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Liberty Bell.

Mustafa opens the panini press and spatulas off her prized sandwich, The Pursuit of Happiness.

"The Reuben is The Pursuit of Happiness," she said. "We heat it up, melt grade-A Swiss cheese on it, with our house-made Thousand Island dressing."

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Andy's Restaurant Scorecard: 1776, plus scores

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