Wilton Library’s robotics team seeking new member – Thehour.com

WILTON Singularity Technology, Wilton Librarys robotics team, is looking for a rising eighth- or- ninth-grade student to join TAP, the Test and Prototype group for the main team.

The mission of TAP is to support the main robotics team, while learning and growing STEM skills. The ideal candidate is not only interested in designing, building, programming and testing a robot, but is also a team player who is willing to perform other tasks, such as organizing materials, fundraising and recording progress in a scientific notebook whatever it takes to make the team successful.

This position requires a twice-week commitment (Thursday and Friday afternoons), attendance at competitions and extra effort as needed. TAP begins this fall in September and finishes in March or April, depending on how well the team does at competitions.

If interested, the student should send an email to slauricella@wiltonlibrary.org with the subject line TAP Robotics. Team captains and mentors will be talking to candidates over the summer.

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Wilton Library's robotics team seeking new member - Thehour.com

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