When Should You Take Resveratrol? – Healthgrades

Resveratrol has been in the news on and off over the last few decades. Headlines have touted resveratrol in skin care, weight loss, heart health, and several other conditions. Its a naturally occurring compound called a polyphenol. You can find it in certain foods and as a resveratrol supplement. Heres what you need to know about resveratrol, including how to safely include it in your diet or start a resveratrol supplement regimen.

Resveratrolor trans-resveratrolis a chemical with antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help cells resist damage from unstable atoms called free radicals. Over 70 plant species have detectable levels of it, with Japanese knotweed having the highest content. Scientists believe plants make it to protect themselves against pathogens and natural radiation.

Several foods contain resveratrol, including grapes, blueberries, cranberries and peanuts. Red wine has the highest concentration of resveratrol for foods. This is thanks to the amount of time grape skins spend in fermentation to make red wine. Resveratrols presence in red wine is one reason you may have heard it touted as heart-healthy. It first started with the so-called French Paradoxthe low rate of heart disease in French people despite their high consumption of saturated fats. Red wine was at the center of explaining the paradox because the French consume a lot of it. When scientists started studying compounds in red wine, they found resveratrol.

Laboratory and animal studies have suggested several resveratrol benefits. Even human studies have shown positive results in certain markers of disease. However, there are few well-controlled human studies. And results havent been able to show clear-cut gains in health and survival, despite the changes in disease biomarkers. The list of potential resveratrol benefits includes:

More research is necessary before scientists can say for certain whether any of these resveratrol benefits are real or not.

People tend to think that natural means safe. People also tend to think over-the-counter products are generally safe. In fact, all drugs, including herbal or natural supplements, have potential safety issues. With resveratrol, some of its beneficial actions can also be problems in the wrong person.

People who should not take resveratrol include:

In general, resveratrol has few side effects. However, diarrhea and other digestive symptoms are possible at high doses.

As with any vitamin or natural product, the best place to get resveratrol is in your diet. It cant hurt to add foods that contain it to your diet. And if you already enjoy a glass of red wine, youre probably getting some resveratrol as a bonus.

If youre looking to add a resveratrol supplement, its best to talk with your doctor first. Make sure its potential biologic actions wont be harmful for you based on your medical history or the medications you take. Then, choose the right supplement.

Most resveratrol supplements contain some combination of extracts from grape seeds, red wine, berries, and Japanese knotweed. Japanese knotweed has the highest concentration in plants, so its often a first ingredient on the label. However, Japanese knotweed extracts also contain the chemical emodin, which can cause diarrhea. If you develop digestive upset with a resveratrol supplement, check to see if its from Japanese knotweed extract. Switching to a different resveratrol extract may help.

After verifying the ingredients, look for micronized resveratrol on the label. Resveratrol is hard for the body to absorb and use. Micronizing the compound makes it easier for your body to absorb and use it. Resveratrol liquid and patches are also available.

Keep in mind, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) regulates supplements as foods, not drugs. Manufacturers dont have to provide the same purity, safety and efficacy proof that drug makers do. So, its important to do your homework. Buy a resveratrol supplement made by a reputable manufacturer.

Also, look for certification stamps on the label, but be careful. Some manufacturers put misleading stamps to make them look official. Reliable stamps include USP, CL and NSF. Manufacturers with these stamps have voluntarily had their products tested for purity. A stamp from one of these organizations validates the content claims on the label are true. These stamps arent an endorsement of safety or efficacy.

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When Should You Take Resveratrol? - Healthgrades

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