What Foods Are High in Resveratrol? Longevity Unlocked

A quick list of what foods are high in Resveratrol

Grape skins and seeds, juice, especially red grapes. Red wine. Blueberries. Raspberries, Mulberries, and Cranberries all have high concentrations of resveratrol Strawberries, contained mainly in the seeds Nuts and peanuts Resveratrol has been identified in trees, and in a few flowering plants The most concentrated source of resveratrol is Japanese knotweed

Resveratrol is found mostly in the skins of grapes and dark colored berries. Blueberries are amongst the highest concentration. Purple and Red berries as well as wine made from them have very high amounts of resveratrol.These plants produce resveratrol as a defense against their environments. It is this substance that is helpful to humans.The most concentrated source of resveratrol is Japanese knotweed. Most resveratrol supplements are made from this source.Strawberries also contain resveratrol. Interestingly, the resveratrol is concentrated primarily in the seeds.A good source of resveratrol is peanuts. In berries, most of the resveratrol is found in the skins, however, the whole peanut contains the ingredient. There is even more resveratrol when peanuts are boiled as opposed to eating them raw. (When would you boil peanuts?)

Annual sales of resveratrol supplements in the U.S. continue to rise, while few studies have evaluated the benefits of resveratrol in humans. Popularity may be entirely due to studies on animals and cells in labware.

Weve all hear about how you would need to drink a million glasses of red wine a day or eat 17 pounds of grapes to get what is found in a single resveratrol supplement capsule.

But the truth of the matter is, your body doesnt really dig oral supplements; it works very hard trying to destroy them. In contrast, your body loves grapes!However, the oral bioavailability of resveratrol is almost zero.

It has been suggested that high doses of resveratrol is the only way to go if you want all the super human health benefits. Doses of up to five thousand milligrams a day appear to be safe, however, long-term effects in humans have not been studied.

Taking resveratrol with Quercitin and or Lecithin have been suggested to improve absorption.

Until we get a handle on this resveratrol trend, I recommend simply eating lots of fruits and vegetables daily.

Btw, whens the last time you heard anyone say, I just took some resveratrol today, and boy do I feel fantastic!

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What Foods Are High in Resveratrol? Longevity Unlocked

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