Resveratrol: The Healing Molecule In Red Wine – Red Supplements

What Is Resveratrol?

If youve ever heard about the potential health benefits of drinking red wine, then youve heard about the potential benefits of Resveratrol.

Resveratrol is a compound found in plants, notably the skin of red grapes, that helps to protect the plant and fight off bacteria, viruses, fungi, as well as withstand drought or lack of nutrients.

Its basically the protector molecule of grapes and berries.

It is widely acknowledged for its vast antioxidant properties which have been suggested to help with everything from protecting your heart, helping you live longer, lowering estrogen levels and more.

What Does Resveratrol Actually Do?

Most of the beneficial properties that have been suggested of Resveratrol supplementation come from the fact that it is a potent antioxidant.

In your body, oxidants, also known as free radicals, can gradually build up and cause all sorts of harm. They are basically micro toxins floating around your body. If too many of them build up in a particular part of your body, such as your brain or liver, they may cause a lot of problems.

Antioxidants are nutrients that fight free radicals floating around your body, removing these free radicles is what helps your body out the most.

Similarly to the supplement GSE, resveratrol supplementation has been linked with the potential lowering of systolic blood pressure.

Systolic blood pressure is the pressure that is caused when the heart beats. Resveratrol is thought of to act as a vasodilator, helping to open up the blood vessels and reduce the amount of pressure exerted on the artery walls when the heart beats.

Also like GSE, resveratrol has been thought of to help lower blood cholesterol levels. This is accomplished through its antioxidant properties potentially decreasing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol in the body.

In studies regarding non-humans, resveratrol has been seen to help increase insulin sensitivity which may help to ward of the harmful effects of diabetes.

As a powerful antioxidant it is also linked with various anti-inflammatory effects throughout the entire body, potentially helping to support an increased lifespan.

Resveratol has also been used in various studies to help act as an aromatase inhibitor, primarily to reduce the amount of estrogen produced by the armotase enzyme in people who are dealing with breast cancer. It is thought of to help limit the amount of estrogenic production in the body.

What Are The Potential Benefits Of Resveratrol?

How To Use Resveratrol?

Typical daily doses of Resveratrol as a dietary supplement range from 150 mg 500 mg per day.

What Are The Side Effects Of Resveratrol?

Resveratrol has been noted to be very safe for humans to use and consume from dosages ranging from 100 mg up to 5g per day.

It is generally regarded as a very safe and nontoxic supplement to take.

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Resveratrol: The Healing Molecule In Red Wine - Red Supplements

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