Red wine could prevent diabetes, heart disease and dementia – The Sen Times Online Newspaper

Studies in rodents have shown that resveratrol, a chemical compound of red wine , has beneficial properties against diabetes, heart diseases and dementia, said the National Institute of Geriatrics (INGER).

Drinking red wine could keep your diabetes, heart diseases and dementia at bay.

The institute explained that the wine has various chemical compounds with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective and antidiabetic effects. In addition, it favors communication between neurons in certain regions of the brain that improve memory and learning.

One of the most relevant findings, he said, has been to verify that resveratrol activates a protein called Sirtuina1, which regulates other proteins that improve cell functioning, which increases insulin sensitivity, a hormone responsible for decreasing high levels of blood glucose .

In addition, it was observed that red wine or resveratrol protein alone applied in mice suffering from Alzheimers disease improved cognitive status and delayed the normal accumulation of proteins in brain regions that participate in memory control and learning.

However, the attempts that have been made to reproduce the benefits obtained by the treatment of resveratrol observed in animals have been contradictory and unclear in humans.

There is still much to elucidate about wine and more when it comes to confirming or clarifying the beneficial effects of resveratrol on human health, said the National Institute of Geriatrics.


Red wine could prevent diabetes, heart disease and dementia - The Sen Times Online Newspaper

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