October 2020 SmartPak SmartTip of the Month: Senior SmartSupplements – Horse Illustrated

Photo Courtesy SmartPak

Whether youve been partners for years or youre both turning a new page together, you want to give your senior horse the care and support he deserves. Horses are living longer and longer, so caring for seniors brings some special considerations. One of those considerations is winter weather, and as the seasons begin to shift from warmer to colder months, there are ways to help support your senior with the right preparation and care.

Once you have discussed your horses health with your vet, there are other things you can do to support him. First, help your senior start winter off right by making sure hes at a healthy weight this fall. Experts recommend that senior horses get two physical exams each year, so your horses fall physical is a great time to ask your veterinarian to show you how to evaluate his body condition. Once you know his body condition score, consider whether you need to make any adjustments to his diet now.

Next, its important to monitor your senior horses teeth all year round, but it is especially critical during winter. If your horse cant chew properly, hes not going to receive the full benefit of the food youre providing. Every horse needs an annual dental exam, and seniors may need one twice a year. Schedule a dental exam with your vet to ensure that your horses teeth are in top shape before winter arrives.

In addition to general care, many senior horses may benefit from the daily, ongoing support that supplements provide, especially during the winter months. Key areas to supportsuch as weight, joint, and immune healthare important to consider for your senior.

SmartPak is pleased to offer a variety of formulas designed with the senior horses health in mind. Weve formulated top-rated joint support with tried-and-true ingredients, like glucosamine and innovative support from turmeric and resveratrol. Weve also designed supplements specifically with your horses weight and pituitary health in mind. However, if youre looking for multiple areas of support all in one convenient supplement, weve got you and your horse covered with the SmartPak SmartCombo Senior line.

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October 2020 SmartPak SmartTip of the Month: Senior SmartSupplements - Horse Illustrated

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