Eat These Food to Reduce Risk of Developing Ovarian Cancer –

Ovarian cancer refers to the uncontrolled multiplication of cells in the ovary, which is a part of a womans body. Characterized by symptoms including pain in the pelvis, abdominal bloating, frequent urination, fatigue, heartburn, constipation, etc., ovarian cancer begins in the outer lining of the ovary. The disease shows no or very few signs. That is one of the reasons behind its delayed diagnosis.

According to experts in the field, having a family history of ovarian cancer, being above 50 years of age, obesity, undergoing hormone therapy, etc., can potentially increase your chances of developing ovarian cancer. There are three stages of ovarian cancer namely localized, regional, and distant.

In the first stage, cancer cells remain in ovaries or fallopian tubes, however, the second phase occurs when the cells spread to nearby organs. The third phase, distant is characterized by the spread of cancer cells in other organs like lungs or liver. Ovarian cancer can affect your life majorly. To avoid its occurrence you can take care of your daily diet.

Food plays a significant role in the prevention of various diseases and conditions including ovarian cancer. Here we tell you about a few food linked to a reduced risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Packed with fiber, essential vitamins, and phytochemicals, green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale can help you keep various types of cancers including ovarian cancer at bay. Also, consumption of these veggies can help you lose weight and say goodbye to obesity, which is a potential risk factor of ovarian cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Containing a chemical called lycopene, tomatoes can help you reduce your likelihood of developing ovarian cancer. This chemical is known to have a strong antioxidant that prevents uncontrolled multiplication of cells. Some other food with the same effects include pink grapefruit, watermelon, etc.

They are a rich source of the antioxidant resveratrol. This actually blocks the formation of cancers in ovaries, breasts, liver, and stomach. Notably, resveratrol is mostly present in the skin of grapes. According to experts in the field, red and purple grapes contain more resveratrol than the green one.

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Eat These Food to Reduce Risk of Developing Ovarian Cancer -

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