
From time immemorial philosophy has captivated man as no other subject has as it deals with the very things we find most important and pertinent to human existence. The word philosophy was first coined by the mathematical, universal genius Pythagoras, sometime in the 6th century BC, and means friend or lover of wisdom. Even before Pythagoras, men of wisdom were contemplating the issues which still interests modern philosophers to this very day. For Pythagoras however, philosophy wasnt just a subject to be used to answer a question, only for it to be deposited out of mind until a future problem arose which needed answering. No, Pythagoras coined the term based on an actual, literal love of philosophy, which permeated throughout his life and formed the basis of his actions and goals. Pythagoras in this sense, was a full time philosopher and everything he done was a direct response to his philosophical ideas.

Today, modern philosophy has been consigned to the rubbish heap of academia, and is regarded as nothing more than a joke in scientific circles. A philosophy degree is seen as wholly impractical and pointless, because of its impracticability and is usually used as a show of intelligence to gain employment in other sectors, out with philosophy.

Philosophy is deemed useless by society because it isnt directly concerned or involved in making money students choose degrees based on which one can make them the most money. They dont choose the subject that they like best because more than anything they like money best. Capitalisms values have already been internalised at this young age for most people, and so it transfers into academia and beyond. But this is not the full extent of the truth as some philosophical skills such as critical thinking and predicate logic are valued because they can be utilised in the wider workplace. Nearly every British prime minister and senior member of the the Tory party has taken the same group of subjects at University, known as P.P.E philosophy, politics, and economics. The power elite realise the value that philosophy plays in the wider world, but this only extends as far as what is practical in purely monetary terms Cameron et al utilise philosophy as a means to an end, that end being the power of others in matters of argument and persuasion. Philosophy will never be taught in the current school curriculum because a critical thinker is a danger to the prevailing establishment. Imagine a whole school year being taught critical thinking on mass, and taking that knowledge into the world, then imagine every subsequent school year being taught this year after year within 10 years the world would have a definite rational revolution on its hands.

How hypocritical are our leaders when the very subjects they took at university are the subjects they conspire against in their political tenures? Instead of P.P.E being promoted in schools, subjects such as home cooking, woodwork and physical education are pushed to the fore. No one is going to change the world by becoming a world class cook or athlete, or carpenter (although that one is contestable), and the power elite know this fine well. On top of that, modern philosophy has become an absolute joke, more concerned with if the king of France is bald, rather than with absolute knowledge. The joke that is modern philosophy can be categorised into three groups:

Historical Philosophy, which deals with all pre-modern philosophers and ideologies, and seeks to only summarise philosophical views, their historical developments and how they influence future philosophers and systems of though. Historical philosophy is the gate keeper for everything thats not modern, no new developments are produced my this group. They keep everything in the past, where it cant trouble anyone. Historical philosophy thinks that nothing new can be said, thats not previously be said before, and is more focused on historical placement than any form of present application or synthesis.

Semantic Philosophy, in academic circles, primarily deals with understanding human expression through the analysis of language. However rather than the field dealing with deep philosophical concepts such as semiotics or other psychological uses such as proxemics. It is instead involved in pedantic pursuits such as whether the king of France is bald or not. Yes, this semantic paradox is actually taken serious, and a lot of time is spent on it in academic philosophy.

finally, philosophy of science is the hidden sin non qua of empirical science, as it deals with defending and promoting the empirical experimental paradigm throughout the academic, and intellectual. Empiricism as a worldview is never challenged, only certain experimental models, methods are analysed and contrast against other competing models in regards to reliability and whether it matches our empirical senses best. No prominent philosophy within the field of P.O.S will ever critique the empirical method because he would be attacking his own livelihood and thats where the problem lies for modern philosophy, and by extension the whole world the age of the specialist has replaced the universal genius. Subsequently academics based within a specialised field dare not question the prevailing paradigm for fear of ostracisation from the community, or loss of senior positions at universities. Specialisation runs rampant within every sector of modern life. With the advent of the internet with unlimited knowledge at everybodys fingertips, and everybody is becoming more specialised and selective within their own range of exacting knowledge.

The great problems in this world will never be solved if the extent of human knowledge is compartmentalised with specific subject fields that care more about money than truth. The geniuss of the past were universal in their knowledge and applications Pythagoras coined the term lover of wisdom to denote ones interests in all fields of knowledge. A grounding in philosophy should be fundamental to all disciplines Students horizons should be broadened not specialised. How can one possibly know their calling in life if they havent experienced at least some of it?

Its time for the resurgence of the universal genius, the concept of the renaissance man should be plastered on every university, on every campus and library in the world. The universal genius is concerned more with knowledge and truth than option and material possessions. Universities should be producing student formed in the mood of Pythagoras not Keynes or Buffet. Philosophy has to be at the centre of all intellectual institutions if this world is to truly progress in a way that will benefit all of its inhabitants, not just the rich and their scientific enablers.

Pythagoras first institution of learning was the predecessor upon which all modern universities were built on, but instead of taking his pursuit of ultimate knowledge to a higher level, they have instead turned it into a place were societies lowliest values are conditioned into its brightest minds. In effect, they have turned what was a God factory into a zombie factory, where capitalism reigns supreme. Most academics can be considered to be nothing more than part-timers half their time is dedicated to their specialised field, the other half to making money. The full time philosopher is either seen as a madman or someone not to be trusted. The pursuit ofAcademia truth and knowledge has been replaced with the pursuit of mammon. Where are the renaissance men and women? Where are the universal Geniuses? Where are the system builders? Who is concerned with truth and knowledge over money and prestige? Education should be about lifting ones mind to a higher place perfecting an individual and teaching them about whats most important in life. Modern education does the exact opposite it encourages memorised, verbatim learning and a closed mind, thats conditioned to accept the materialist paradigm without question. Even within the most open minded subject of all; philosophy empiricism goes generally unquestioned, as most are unable to move beyond their sense perceptions, because the vast majority of the intellectually inclined are sensing types rather than thinking types. This worldview is then continually reinforced throughout our culture which in the end amounts to an entirely faith based position, akin to any form of Abrahamism. The difference is today, that Abrahamism is only critiqued in modern societies whereas materialism isnt.

Academia wouldnt be in the place it is today if real philosophical integrity had stayed at the heart of the intellectual world. It woundt have sold out to capitalism and it certainly wouldnt have allowed such absurd contradictions as lifeless atoms giving birth to conscious human beings. Metaphysics and epistemology are completely in thrall to materialist models of reality, and no challenge to them is even considered. And this is all dictated by illiterate autistic physicists how havent done a days work in philosophy in their lives. Humanity must promote the concept of the full-time philosopher once again. Its time for metaphysics, politics, epistemology, rationalism and most importantly mathematics to return to their rightful place as the greatest subjects known to man. Its time for the new, modern renaissance man, whos educated in every field of practical knowledge, whos life is dedicated to being a full time philosopher of reason, knowledge and truth. To be rational is not enough, you must live that rationality, every second of every day to become Hypperrational: one who embodies and applies mathematical rationalism in all aspects of their lifes. For those of you unfamiliar with the Illuminist concept of Hyperrationalism I will be dealing with it in my next post.

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