NWA funding for taking quantum technology to the public Bits&Chips – Bits&Chips

1 December

The Quantum Inspire consortium has received a 4.5 million euro grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) to bring quantum technology closer to potential users. We hope that different people from all parts of society will interact with Quantum Inspire, so that we can work together to figure out the full range of possibilities offered to our society by quantum computing including which societal challenges it will be able to solve, said Lieven Vandersypen, coordinator of the grant application and research director of Qutech.

Quantum technology is expected to find applications in many different fields, such as energy, food supply, security and health care. Being an emerging technology, however, not much people in these fields are actively investigating its potential yet. And even if they wanted to, where would they go? Getting access to a quantum computer is not exactly easy.

This why Quantum Inspire was started: people can run their own quantum algorithms on Quantum Inspires simulators or hardware backends and experience the possibilities of quantum computing. Qutech launched a first version of Quantum Inspire in April 2020, and the grant will allow the consortium to develop it further.

Quantum Inspires capital infusion is funded by the Dutch National Research Agenda (NWA) program Research along routes by consortia (NWA-ORC). In total, NWO distributed 93 million euros over 21 interdisciplinary research projects.

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NWA funding for taking quantum technology to the public Bits&Chips - Bits&Chips

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