How The Post-Covid Future Is Unfolding For Technology Ventures – Forbes

Technology is driving the new entrepreneurial economy

As the world eventually pulls its way out of the Covid-19 crisis, were going to see a world changed. Some business are suffering, while others are soaring. Whats it going to take to launch and sustain successful ventures (coming out of garages as well as corporate divisions) over the coming months and years? Many entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and business leaders are also pondering the new directions things will be taking. In the first post in this series, we explored the views of industry innovators on the implications of the Covid-driven rush to digital.

I recently heard from Ubaid Dhiyan, director at Union Square Advisors, who points out how todays innovators are adroitly embracing cloud, artificial intelligence and digital services in new ways. Cloud-driven disruption of large, established industries originally started in media, retail and content consumption, but is now expanding into experiences as well, he says. Prominent examples include Peloton, Mirror, Tonal, and a slew of other fitness related apps paired with hardware, that emphasize user experience.

Business models are evolving in the wake of Covid and clearly in the direction of digital. "Businesses that have thrived through the pandemic may not solely be operating in a digital business model, but what all successful business have in common is a strong digital culture, says Laura Baldwin, president of OReilly Media. Moving forward, we need to face that the future will be more digitally-focused than ever before, and businesses need to start thinking about how to create and implement a digital business model.

Shige Ihara, CEO of NEC X, shared NEC Xs perspective as the innovation accelerator for NECs emerging technologies. "We are seeing several social needs and drivers that have arisen during the pandemic which are stimulating new technology development and areas for potential economic growth," Ihara says. Prominent among these areas are virtual reality and augmented reality. "The market has already seen adoption for military and gaming applications, as well as training for advanced surgery, he explains. As remote work becomes the new normal, we believe VR/AR is a growth area that will provide new and better interfaces for groupware as well as web conferencing. Startups are already developing the VR/AR platforms and software that will enable these improvements.

Dhiyan also sees potential in VR/AR, as well as a host of other cutting-edge technologies, including artificial intelligence, quantum computing and robotics. These are forming the basic technology infrastructure that are supporting business approaches being incubated and launched at a time of financial and economic distress, a politically charged climate, meaningful social discord and a gridlocked legislative environment.

Also, keep an eye on digital currencies, Ihara adds. New digital currencies such as cryptocurrencies have already appeared on the market, but the potential remains for the emergence of an even larger scale, inter-nation cybercurrency system. We believe there is a strong need and great opportunity for new technologies and platforms to enable this shift, but the work in this area is far too nascent for predictions on how it will take shape.

At the same time, Baldwin advises innovators from getting too entangled with a particular technology. With the rapid pace of technological change, what may be impactful today will be replaced by something more impactful in a year, she says. The most important thing is to continue to follow the trends on new technologies as they come to market, build teams that are nimble and flexible enough to adapt to rapid change, and provide them with the tools to build skills and learn new technologies as they come to market. Its that ability to adapt and learn new technologies so that they can be applied that can have impact.

The big winners in the times to come will likely be startups and smaller companies who were born digitally-enabled, says Baldwin. The losers will try to return to the old ways and find themselves swiftly left behind in the new normal."

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How The Post-Covid Future Is Unfolding For Technology Ventures - Forbes

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