The Horror Of Penile Psoriasis (And What To Do About It!)

The horror of penile psoriasis is hard to describe to those that dont have it. Imagine your sexy, noodly appendage looking like its just been pulled through a paper shredder. Even if youre into S&M and like your sausage being butchered, its not a fun look, let me tell you!

Now imagine slicing this with a butchers knife.

Thankfully so far, knock on wood I havent had problems with P on the peepee.

Penile psoriasis, like psoriasis in general, can appear anywhere on your love vegetable from the base of the shaft all the way to the top of the glans. Even if youre circumcised or uncircumcised, it can get you. However, unlike the common plaque psoriasis, the skin looks smooth NOT rough and dry.

If you want to see what a sex machine looks like covered by psoriasis, scroll on down! If not, run away and hide in a cupboard.

It looks like a sunburnt willy, but its not! (Courtesy of

No, thats not an exotic variety of Spanish tomato. (Courtesy of

The good thing about penile psoriasis is that there are many ways of relieving the physical discomfort (and no, not by massaging it with gallons of vaseline). While it may look like a desiccated salami, it can still feel great. You just have to treat it right, baby!

The more you touch it, the worse it gets. If you see psoriasis appearing, its best to go easy on the sex/masturbation, because any action will just mean further aggravating the skin and making it sore. For me, 2 to 3 days is enough for it to be back to normal.

Wear 100% cotton underwear and loose trousers. Now, you dont have to go the way of MC Hammer and get yourself parachute pants, but hipster, penis-rubbing, skin-tight jeans are a bad choice. So is tight underwear, latex, spandex and other ridiculously groin suffocating garb. Cotton allows the skin to breathe properly and absorb extra moisture, which means that any penile psoriasis wont be further aggravated by the type of clothes you wear. I stick to boxers, but Im sure Y-fronts or whatever else is fine if its cotton.

The third words of wisdom are to use moisturizer! Moisturizing the dry areas in the morning can make the daytime more tolerable; but you will have to experiment with what brands to use to get something non-greasy (John, is that a mayonnaise stain on your pants again?). For me personally, a bit of vaseline works well after the shower, but other hypoallergenic creams are just as good.

While the groin and penile area is very sensitive, and therefore can be quite difficult to treat in cases of severe penile psoriasis, it also means that it responds super quickly to creams.

The first line of attack is usually a topical treatment using a cream such as hydrocortisone. Hydrocortisone in particular is one of the weakest steroid creams you can get, and it works well in the groin area.

One word of warning since the skin is so thin, it can increase the bodys absorption of the cream to 30%. This can lead to a thinning of the skin and even discolouration. However, in my experience, if you use it SENSIBLY, it works well, even in the long-term.

For me, all it takes is 2 to 4 applications over a couple of days to stop the psoriasis before it sexually abuses my love wand. Just take a pea-sized amount and rub it in a little goes a long way down there (no pun intended!) and youll be back in business in no time.

The second treatment option is phototherapy using UVB light. It can take from 20 to 60 sessions for this to have an affect, and it also has side effects, such as leading to testicular cancer, which is why Ive never tried it. I recommend that you stick to the creams for quick relief (before exploring longer-term treatments, such as diet changes.)

Update:I just discovered this little gem and had to share it with you.

One of my onlinebuddies who getspsoriasis on the silly willy told me that he usescondoms to ease the irritation, and I have to say,his method isingenious!

If youve everheard of occlusion, this works the same way. What you do is moisturise your penis really well, then get a condom and squeeze a bit more ointment in there. Now put it over your flaccid penis and go about your day.

Youll forget that its ever there in about five minutes, and at the end of your day, your penis will start to feel human. The trick is getting the condom to stay put and not slip off. Just experiment with sizes!

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Tags: penis, psoriasis

redblob I'm just an average 28 year old living with psoriasis. Over the last decade, I've tried everything, from real snake poison to rubbing banana peels over my body. I've finally found an approach that's working for me, and I'm sharing it with all the flakers out there. But Psoriasis Blob is not about one man, it's a growing community of great, red people.

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The Horror Of Penile Psoriasis (And What To Do About It!)

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