A dermatologist reveals the best way to deal with scalp psoriasis – Netdoctor

Scalp psoriasis is a common skin disorder that causes raised, reddish, scaly patches on the scalp and can extend beyond the hairline onto the forehead, the back of the neck and around the ears. It can vary from being very mild and unnoticeable, with slight fine scaling, or very severe with thick crusted plaques covering the entire scalp.

Dr Conal Perrett, dermatologist and founder of the Devonshire Clinic and one of London Medical Concierge's network of doctors, answers your questions on scalp psoriasis.


As with other types of psoriasis, we don't know what causes it and ongoing research is being done to try and identify why it occurs. Doctors believe it comes from a deficiency within the immune system that causes skin cells to grow too quickly and build up into patches. You may be more likely to get scalp psoriasis if it runs in your family.

Scalp psoriasis is not contagious but it is incredibly uncomfortable, itchy and can cause confidence issues in many people.

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Symptoms of mild scalp psoriasis may include only a light fine scaling. Whereas, moderate or severe scalp psoriasis symptoms can include:

Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish between dandruff and scalp psoriasis as they both have similar symptoms. You may be able to tell by the thickness and colour of the flakes but if you are in any doubt and think your dandruff may indicate scalp psoriasis scaling then I would advise speaking with your GP.

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There are many treatment options, such as lotions, creams and shampoos, which can help scalp psoriasis and often a combination approach using a number of different treatments may be required until the symptoms have settled. It is important to remember to treat scalp psoriasis even if you experience hair loss, as the hair will grow back once the inflammation settles.

Treatments can be time-consuming so I would recommend choosing one that suits your lifestyle and carrying out extensive treatments over the weekend. Remember to treat psoriasis daily when it is active. It can take at least eight weeks until you are able to gain adequate control of the plaques, whichever treatment you choose to use.

Once you have achieved clearance, it is important to maintain the improvement, and this can usually be done with regular use of a tar shampoo and or by moisturising the scalp occasionally with an oil or emollient. If you have no success in controlling your scalp psoriasis, ask your GP to refer you to a specialist.

Visit http://www.londonmedicalconcierge.com for more information on how you can get quick access to an appointment with a leading dermatologist to discuss any skin concerns.

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A dermatologist reveals the best way to deal with scalp psoriasis - Netdoctor

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