Predictions: The AI Challenges of 2021 –

The overall theme of Splunk's four-part 2021 Predictions report is the rapid acceleration of digital transformation, driven by the specific event of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the momentum of data technologies that have brought us into a true Data Age. Nowhere is that acceleration going to be more transformative than around the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

AI/ML was a hot topic before 2020 disrupted everything, and over the course of the pandemic, adoption has increased. We've seen it particularly in terms of security use cases, but security is far from the only arena. Already, it seems like artificial intelligence is everywhere. John Sabino, our chief customer officer, notes in the report that every software vendor is claiming AI/ML as a secret sauce in its solutions, and there's a danger of fatigue as AI/ML becomes something everyone talks about, but no one ever quite sees.

Despite that, meaningful applications of machine learning in particular are already common. We see machine learning having an impact in everything from how recruiters parse stacks of resumes to how businesses analyze subtle trends in customer behavior; from improving user experience with everything from how web pages are served and products are recommended to intelligent chat features. And developments go far beyond business. Deep learning techniques produced a recent breakthrough in protein folding, which has applications in developing effective medical treatments, using enzymes to break down industrial waste, and more. It represents a considerable advance in AI development.

As we see machine learning adopted by more organizations, for more purposes, there are three innovations that I am keeping an eye out for in the near future:

The Emerging Technology Predictions report goes deeper into these topics, and other AI/ML predictions, including a stellar use case in medical research. It also covers 5G, AR/VR, blockchain and more. These are technologies that are going to reshape our world, and it's fascinating to look ahead even as the future is unfolding.

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Predictions: The AI Challenges of 2021 -

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