Signs of bipartisan progress on climate change – Baltimore Sun

The House Climate Solutions Caucus was created in 2016 by Republican Rep. Carlos Curbelo and Democratic Rep.Ted Deutch. Both represent Florida. From the beginning, the Congressmen decided that membership in the caucus would come in pairs one Republican and one Democrat at a time. Their aim is to create a bipartisan group to engage in constructive dialogue to propose climate solutions (Leading on climate change, Aug. 14).

Recently, Rep. Ed Royce, a Republican from California, and Rep. Derek Kilmer, a Democrat from Washington, joined the caucus. The House Climate Solutions Caucus is now 52 members strong.The caucus recently introduced two legislative proposals: Technologies for Energy Security Act (H.R. 1090) and Climate Solutions Commission Act (H.R. 2326). The Technology Act extends tax credits to small scale wind and geothermal energy initiatives. The Commission Act would create a bipartisan panel to propose economically viable actions or policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The hope is that the caucus will propose bipartisan legislation that significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions.For the past 10 years, Citizens Climate Lobby has with respect and appreciation for all members of Congress facilitated the development of the House Climate Solutions Caucus. An eloquent description of CCLs political method and proposal is given in Jan Marie Rushforths farewell message found at Take the time to watch this video, support the House Climate Solutions Caucus and join Citizens Climate Lobby.

James O'Reilly, Glen Burnie

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Signs of bipartisan progress on climate change - Baltimore Sun

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