Opinion/Letter: In spite of all, progress is evident – The Daily Progress

In 1958 when I arrived for my first year at the University of Virginia, the school and the town were very much segregated. No black students at UVa; the Paramount Theater would not allow blacks on the main level, and they were relegated to the balcony. Drinking fountains were labeled For colored only and For whites only. The public schools were also dealing with discrimination. The white schools closed down for two years, not wanting to integrate.

In 1964, our federal government passed the Civil Right Act, allowing blacks the same rights as whites. Prior to 1964, the South primarily supported the Democratic Party, but after that the South became Republican, as it is today.

In 2008, our country elected a black president, Barack Obama. Now, thats progress. All of us should feel proud that our society has moved forward.

By and large, the hate groups are a tiny percentage of the American population. Every society has fringe groups like them, and hopefully over time they will be fewer and hopefully disappear.

I was at the Aug. 12 demonstration, spending most of my time at the corner of 2nd and Market streets, which was very active. There were marches on both sides and loud chanting, all filled with lots of emotions with the black community mostly standing in the background watching There was no violence as far as I could see.

When I returned home and surfed the TV, you would have had the impression the world was coming to an end. It appeared that all the news outlets had the same footage of people shoving, punching, swinging bats but I suspect that represented only few minutes.

Yes, the car killing was tragic and well covered in the news.

Our country is far from perfect, but over time we seem to do the right thing. Most, if not all, of us were raised with prejudice, and I know over time I have adjusted my attitude, like most people I know. Our three children have a much healthier attitude about discrimination, and our eight grandchildren appear to have no prejudices. That's progress, and hopefully our country will eventually see everyone as equal.

Vito Cetta, Albemarle County

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Opinion/Letter: In spite of all, progress is evident - The Daily Progress

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