Letter to the Editor: Seeing is believing when it comes to Covid-19 – Fairfield Daily Republic

When the rabid left lost their battle to impeach our president they went to Plan B, which is the virus attack.

Every morning I wake up to find that my family and friends are still alive. How can that be? The news that was in the paper and on TV said we were destined to die.

I love statistics. If you learn how to properly interpret them you can quickly sift out the baloney.

I wrote to this paper in in the spring and asked them to give you two questions. First, how many individuals do you personally know who have been treated for the virus and second, how many individuals do you personally know who have died from this virus? After five months, how many? Any bells going off? I dont deny the virus existence and I think it behooves us to take reasonable precautions as far as cleanliness goes.

There are those among us who want to take away our freedoms. They want to rule our lives. They almost immediately took our freedom of religion away by closing the churches. Do you really go along with this? And then they try hard to make us wear masks and adhere to social distancing everywhere. Give me a break.

How about our freedom of speech? Whats this, hate speech? It appears to me that if you dont like what I have to say you can label it as such. Once labeled that way, by you, I can never broach the subject again. Just like that.

Patriots, wake up! If you love this wonderful country, it is time to step up. I spent 30 proud years in the military. To stand in harms way was a privilege. I have been on every continent and you wont find any country that comes close to the U.S. or has our freedoms.

Ronald Crews

Rio Vista

Editors note: Solano County Public Health reports 37 deaths thus far in the county that are linked to the novel coronavirus that causes Covid-19. There were 3,611 confirmed cases countywide as of Friday afternoon, 26 of those in Rio Vista.


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Letter to the Editor: Seeing is believing when it comes to Covid-19 - Fairfield Daily Republic

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