Technology Partner Spotlight: Relenta

Welcome to the next installment in our blog series highlighting the companies in SoftLayer’s new Technology Partners Marketplace. These Partners have built their businesses on the SoftLayer Platform, and we’re excited for them to tell their stories.

We invite each of our featured SoftLayer Tech Marketplace Partners to contribute a guest post to the SoftLayer Blog, and this week, we’re happy to welcome Dmitri Eroshenko from Relenta. In his guest post, Dmitri explains Relenta’s inspiration and history to help you better understand how Relenta’s online app can benefit your business.
- Paul Ford, SoftLayer VP of Community Development


Relenta: Get Things Done with One Click

We’re all suffocating from information clutter. Our customer data and communications are scattered all over the place — multiple email accounts, social networks, CRMs and contact managers, instant messengers and chats, spreadsheets, various productivity and collaboration apps, calendars, and so on. We enter and re-enter data in different apps, which we endlessly cross-reference to reconcile discrepancies. We worry constantly that we’re missing something.

At some point, we reach the threshold where pain becomes unbearable, stop and say, “There must be a better way!”

Our small software development team started working on Relenta six years ago with these very words. The idea was to take several apps our team used regularly — including email, of course — and distill them into one single program. Soon after we started building the program, we realized that by storing different types of customer records in the same backend database, we’d actually only begun the process of consolidating the information … And that’s where we started building Relenta’s interface to truly streamline the process.

Instead of displaying various bits of customer information on separate screens, we created an interface that aggregated ALL data in one single activity stream. These “news feeds” provide at-a-glance views on the history of each of the customer relationships being tracked by the system. The feeds also put you in a one-click zone, from which no information is more than a single click away and no activity takes more than a single click to perform.

The rest is history. Today, Relenta is an elegant online application that lets you organize your entire customer-related life so that nothing is more than one click away.

The idea of building our platform around the one-click zone became our mantra and guiding principle. To put you into a one-click zone,
Relenta offers:

  • A unified inbox for all customer communications, including email and social network messages from LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter
  • A centralized platform for contact management, shared calendar, internal messaging, workflow management and document management
  • A built-in email marketing and email-autoresponder solution
  • A product philosophy that emphasizes disciplined process management and minimizes the number of steps it takes to get things done
  • A framework that enables asynchronous and geographically dispersed collaboration by keeping everyone and everything on the same page

As a result of this streamlined workflow, your data isn’t fragmented or unnecessarily duplicated across your systems and you can be more efficient in your operations. By interlinking all communication activity between our team and each customer, we found ourselves getting twice as much work done in half the time.

If you find yourself bouncing between platforms to manage your customer relationships, Relenta might be a great fit for you. While I can talk about the value Relenta can provide and send you as many customer testimonials as you want to read, what matters is whether the app meets your needs. Check out our Live Demo and sign up for a Free Trial to put us to the test.

-Dmitri Eroshenko, Relenta

Join the one-click revolution at!

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