Inspired by Robert’s NFL rival blog, I thought I’d contribute my own football-related post. Before I go any further, I should probably say, “PONY UP!” As a proud alumna of Southern Methodist University (SMU), I’m always happy to share where I sent to college, but when the SMU Mustangs take down our biggest rivals in football, you can bet that I’ll talk about it. For the past century or so, SMU has battled the TCU Horned Frogs for “The Iron Skillet,” and this season, that skillet headed back to Dallas (where it belongs).
In a HUGE upset, the Mustangs beat the Horned Frogs 40-33 in overtime to break a four-year losing streak. The past four years have been “rebuilding” years under June Jones, so this win over a quality, ranked opponent was even more significant … Which is clear since I’m still talking about this game in particular a few weeks later. But this lingering buzz is nothing compared to the roar of attention to SoftLayer’s international expansion.
We’re not exactly the “underdog” anymore, but October marked a huge step in the growth of our company when our Singapore data center and network points of presence in Tokyo and Hong Kong went live. The SoftLayer passport is starting to fill its pages with stamps.
As we put the finishing touches on Amsterdam, we have Softlayer staff on three continents, so day-to-day operations get a little more complex in some areas of the business. As a member of the social media team, I’ve been watching the clock a lot more these days … And that’s not to suggest that I’m counting down every day until 5pm (which isn’t really a “stop time” for me anyway since social media doesn’t turn off at the end of our time zone’s business day). What I mean by “watching the clock” is that I’ve had to start thinking about reaching customers on the other side of the world with relevant SoftLayer messages. I feel like I need five clocks above my desk like what you usually see in newsrooms.
When engaging in the world of social media, timing is everything. Whether it’s a matter of coordinating with a press release, trying to reach people in a completely different time zone, or just responding to issues, being where you need to be when you need to be there is 90% of the battle. When you think about it, everything in life comes down to that!
Sometimes events can be planned like SoftLayer’s global domination. Others catch you by surprise … like the SMU Mustang victory. As I get close to my three-month mark as a SLayer, I’m glad I was in the right place at the right time to join the SoftLayer team. I’m excited to see how our business is going to grow, and I’m looking forward to having to invest in more time zone clocks to keep track of the local times in all of our new data center markets.
- Lilah Brown's Planets, Part II (or, Season II preview) [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
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- Homeward bound [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Sony Pictures and the end of the world [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Thank you from the future [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Lunar dreams [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- The first of the Pluto books! [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Don't try to blame it on Rio [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Rio roundup [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
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- Millard Canyon Memories [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- The problem with science [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- P.S. on the problem with science [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- How Big is 10 TB? [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Showing You Your Servers [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Pick Your Partnership: Referral Partners, Resellers and Affiliates [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Server Form Factors: Towers v. Rack-Mounts [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Lights-Out in the Data Centers [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Disruptive Technologies: Virtualization and The Cloud [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Know Thy Backups – Part I [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Know Thy Backups – Part II [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Boo Bash 2009 – Desktop Costume Included! [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Why No One Will Talk About “Cloud Computing” in 10 Years [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- The end of the fall [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2009] [Originally Added On: December 13th, 2009]
- We Love ‘Server Huggers’ [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2009] [Originally Added On: December 13th, 2009]
- All About the Cloud: An Interview with Dell’s Cloud Evangelist [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2009] [Originally Added On: December 13th, 2009]
- Happy Solstice [Last Updated On: December 21st, 2009] [Originally Added On: December 21st, 2009]
- A ghost of Christmas past [Last Updated On: December 31st, 2009] [Originally Added On: December 31st, 2009]
- Learning from a Blender [Last Updated On: January 5th, 2010] [Originally Added On: January 5th, 2010]
- Changing my world [Last Updated On: January 6th, 2010] [Originally Added On: January 6th, 2010]
- A Server. From Scratch. [Last Updated On: January 7th, 2010] [Originally Added On: January 7th, 2010]
- The Planet Sand Castle: Upgrade Your Sandbox [Last Updated On: January 12th, 2010] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2010]
- Hosting for Haiti [Last Updated On: January 20th, 2010] [Originally Added On: January 20th, 2010]
- Redefining Value [Last Updated On: January 26th, 2010] [Originally Added On: January 26th, 2010]
- My Experience as a Newbie at The Planet [Last Updated On: January 28th, 2010] [Originally Added On: January 28th, 2010]
- Confessions of Another New Planeteer [Last Updated On: February 1st, 2010] [Originally Added On: February 1st, 2010]
- How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Permissions [Last Updated On: February 11th, 2010] [Originally Added On: February 11th, 2010]
- Where at The Planet is Rachel? [Last Updated On: February 15th, 2010] [Originally Added On: February 15th, 2010]
- The Planet Storage Cloud: FYI [Last Updated On: February 19th, 2010] [Originally Added On: February 19th, 2010]
- Meet us in March [Last Updated On: February 25th, 2010] [Originally Added On: February 25th, 2010]
- The Planet in “The Channel” [Last Updated On: March 2nd, 2010] [Originally Added On: March 2nd, 2010]
- The Planet Server Challenge [Last Updated On: March 13th, 2010] [Originally Added On: March 13th, 2010]
- The Definitive Guide to Finding The Planet at SXSW [Last Updated On: March 13th, 2010] [Originally Added On: March 13th, 2010]
- The SXSW Iron Geek Champion! [Last Updated On: March 15th, 2010] [Originally Added On: March 15th, 2010]
- Drinking from the Fire Hose [Last Updated On: March 16th, 2010] [Originally Added On: March 16th, 2010]
- The Fastest Hands at SXSW [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2010] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2010]
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- Westmere – Get it Here [Last Updated On: March 23rd, 2010] [Originally Added On: March 23rd, 2010]
- Orbit on Your iPhone: A Sign of Things to Come [Last Updated On: March 24th, 2010] [Originally Added On: March 24th, 2010]
- #ShowMeMyServer 2.0 [Last Updated On: March 25th, 2010] [Originally Added On: March 25th, 2010]
- Get to Know Your Visitors [Last Updated On: March 30th, 2010] [Originally Added On: March 30th, 2010]
- The Next Big Thing in Hosting: The Hostatulator [Last Updated On: April 1st, 2010] [Originally Added On: April 1st, 2010]
- Storage Cloud and the City [Last Updated On: April 4th, 2010] [Originally Added On: April 4th, 2010]
- American Heart – Why I Walk [Last Updated On: April 7th, 2010] [Originally Added On: April 7th, 2010]
- The Cake Shouldn’t Be a Lie [Last Updated On: April 8th, 2010] [Originally Added On: April 8th, 2010]
- April Showers Bring May Flowers [Last Updated On: April 9th, 2010] [Originally Added On: April 9th, 2010]
- First at The Planet: Nehalem EX 4-Socket Servers [Last Updated On: April 15th, 2010] [Originally Added On: April 15th, 2010]
- Intel Guest Blog: Xeon 5600 [Last Updated On: April 16th, 2010] [Originally Added On: April 16th, 2010]
- Inside the Office: A Birthday Surprise [Last Updated On: April 18th, 2010] [Originally Added On: April 18th, 2010]
- The Planet @ Cloud Expo East [Last Updated On: April 19th, 2010] [Originally Added On: April 19th, 2010]
- The Planet @ ad:tech SF [Last Updated On: April 22nd, 2010] [Originally Added On: April 22nd, 2010]
- ad:tech Server Challenge [Last Updated On: April 22nd, 2010] [Originally Added On: April 22nd, 2010]
- ad:tech Panel: Developing Communities Online [Last Updated On: April 23rd, 2010] [Originally Added On: April 23rd, 2010]
- The Planet @ Interop Las Vegas [Last Updated On: April 27th, 2010] [Originally Added On: April 27th, 2010]
- Overflowing With Value: 10TB is Back! [Last Updated On: April 28th, 2010] [Originally Added On: April 28th, 2010]
- The Cloud is NOT the Revolution [Last Updated On: April 29th, 2010] [Originally Added On: April 29th, 2010]
- The Importance of Orbit 2.0 [Last Updated On: May 5th, 2010] [Originally Added On: May 5th, 2010]
- The Planet @ Web 2.0 Expo [Last Updated On: May 6th, 2010] [Originally Added On: May 6th, 2010]