Why Does A Diet High In DHA Improve Memory?

Editor's Choice Academic Journal Main Category: Nutrition / Diet Also Included In: Neurology / Neuroscience;Psychology / Psychiatry Article Date: 05 Jul 2012 - 0:00 PDT

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In an animal study, lead researcher Yves Sauve and colleagues discovered mice that consumed a diet high in DHA had 30% higher levels of DHA in the hippocampus region of the brain, compared with mice fed on a regular, healthy diet.

Sauve, a researcher in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, who works in the department of physiology, the department of ophthalmology and the Center of Neuroscience, explained:

The researchers confirmed that when DHA is added to a diet, additional stores of DHA are deposited in the brain. Sauve explains that consuming more fish or taking supplements could prevent DHA levels decreasing in the brain as we age.

In an earlier study, Sauve found that consuming DHA stops a toxic molecule at the back of the eye that causes age-related vision loss from accumulating.

Cold-water oceanic fish oils are rich in DHA. DHA can also be manufactured commercially from microalgae.

The following foods are rich in DHA:

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Why Does A Diet High In DHA Improve Memory?

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