The Lute Olson CATwalk December 1st 2012

ATTENTION STUDENTS: Join legendary Coach Lute Olson and Pi Kappa Alpha for a 5K/10K run and walk that goes to benefit cancer research at the Arizona Cancer Center. All the proceeds go specifically towards creating new pilot medicines for cancers that affect women such as Ovarian and Breast Cancer. Pi Kappa Alpha took over the event last year when it was decided CATwalk would no longer be the greek-wide philanthropy for the University of Arizona. We understand the necessity of this event and the impact it has on the greater community of Tucson and could not allow the event to no longer exist. The event is December 1st on the the University of Arizona campus. Here are the ways you can help: 1. Register to participate in the walk/race (all information below). Even if you can’t attend, you will get a great t-shirt and be supporting the cause with your $15 registration. Bring friends and family and join in the fun! Please follow this link to register online for CATwalk: 2. Send a tax deductible donation to the Arizona Cancer Center in support of CATwalk. Checks should be made payable to: UAF/Arizona Cancer Center, with CATwalk in the memo line. Send checks to: Pi Kappa Alpha, 1525 E. Drachman, Tucson, AZ 85719. 3. Go to Facebook and ‘like’ this event and spread the word.


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